I thought I'd do my part to warn people about a practice from Facebook that has come to light.
Basically they're involved in a huge violation of Internet privacy by keeping a record of what you purchase from other online sites and telling everyone that goes to your facebook page about it. You're not allowed to opt out of this feature from Facebook.
Sorry, but I won't join. I've been boycotting, yes I like to boycot things, websites like myspace and blogs from the start and I'm not joining facebook either. Definitely not after reading what Jonah said in the newspaper a few days ago.
I'm pretty sure Facebook will listen and make a global opt out. They're pretty good about listening to complaints. MySpace is terrible but Facebook is actually a nice website and very private. If they make Facebook profiles googleable I'll be upset. MySpace really screwed up with that one and I think Facebook knows not to go down that road (even though they have talked about it).
Go ahead and add me as a friend if any of you wish to. I don't want to impose and feel you have to say yes. Thanks for adding me Nicolas and Snusmumrik! Now I have "international friends"... It's nice seeing faces behind all of your crazy musical tastes!
Hey, I joined the group last week, but was being clandestine about it because of my odd photoshopped Hannah Montana picture. Until I have time to turn myself into Elliott Spitzer or something, that'll have to do.
How is MySpace better? Maybe it's just my age (28), because I have only a handful of friends on Myspace and almost all of my friends are on Facebook, and most them use it frequently. I think the difference is age. High schoolers use Myspace more and post-high latched on to Facebook because of the privacy and easy to navigate pages. They both are pretty similar now (I still think Myspace is an eyesore) but the post-high people are going to stick with Facebook and so it's better for me.
I deleted my Myspace account and just go there if a band's streaming something I want to hear.
You're 28 John? For some reason I thought you were like 40(no offense). Nah,I don't know if Myspace is better,it's just that it's the one I'd always used and never had any problems with it - Facebook is probably OK. Don't like Bebo though...
It's not that myspace is better. It just seems like somebody ripped off Tom in order to cater to college kids. What's the point in posting another profile when you already spent all that time in your myspace account? I knew it was only a matter of time before it had competition but college kids are treating it as if it like it's something special and new. It was done before. Just because some 21 year old decides to add all these bells and whistles and call it his own doesn't make you more civilized than your noncomformist classmates. You're just fooling yourself if you get a Facebook account in order to seem more mature. I'd never go on a site that plagerizes in order to get ahead. I hate people that think their more mature than others just because they're part of the trendy new web community. Like all knockoffs once the fad dies out the everyone going to start flocking back to what started it all in the first place.
Nobody is going to switch to Myspace even if they were there before. It's associated with high schoolers and perverts even if that is nobody's fault. Facebook started as a college site and when they opened it up to everyone it flourished. Half of the user base are people who aren't really tech savvy and who stick with something when they like it. If they would have found Myspace first maybe Myspace would be on the level of Facebook but it seems Facebook has found their niche with the over 18 crowd and I don't think that's going to change. Is Facebook a knockoff of Myspace. Yeah. But, Facebook found a niche and ran with it even if they are pretty much the same now.