I have uploaded an Excel sheet with the 7,500 songs. The format is a bit inconsistent, with some song names written in the same column as the artist. Hopefully it's not too messy.
The document only has 7402 rows. That's because the A and B sides of a single are sometimes on the same row, and in some cases both the A and the B side were included in Pollock's book. They are then written in bold. However, in a lot of cases only one song is among the 7,500 and then only this song is written in bold.
Again, thousand thanks to JR who put together this list for me. The inconsistencies described above is by no means his fault. It was because I sent him different sheets to fill in the information.
What's the point of a list like this?
He must have put every song he could think of...
It just dilutes the quality and value of the whole thing.
Even Journey and crap are on there.