1. Space Oddity
2. Heroes
3. Aladdin Sane
4. Ashes to Ashes
5. Warszawa
6. Five Years
7. Wild Is the Wind
8. Lady Grinning Soul
9. Life on Mars?
10. Starman
Re: Top 10 David Bowie Songs: Our Individual Lists
Finally, I can participate!
1. Moonage Daydream
2. Aladdin Sane
3. Fashion
4. Dead Man Walking
5. China Girl
6. Be My Wife
7. Life on Mars?
8. Lady Grinning Soul
9. Heathen (The Rays)
10. Seven Years in Tibet
Re: Top 10 David Bowie Songs: Our Individual Lists
1. Ashes to Ashes
2. Life on Mars?
3. Heroes
4. Golden Years
5. Moonage Daydream
6. Young Americans
7. Sound and Vision
8. Wild Is the Wind
9. Space Oddity
10. Five Years
Re: Top 10 David Bowie Songs: Our Individual Lists
1. Space oddity
2. Life on Mars ?
3. Heroes
4. Suffragette city
5. The jean genie
6. Ashes to ashes
7. John, I'm only dancing
8. Changes
9. Starman
10.Ziggy Stardust
Re: Top 10 David Bowie Songs: Our Individual Lists
1. Station To Station
2. "Heroes"
3. Five Years
4. Sound + Vision
5. Moonage Daydream
6. Quicksand
7. Be My Wife
8. Lady Grinning Soul
9. Slow Burn
10. Let's Dance
Re: Top 10 David Bowie Songs: Our Individual Lists
1. Warszawa
2. Wild is the Wind
3. Life on Mars?
4. Stay
5. Station to Station
6. Heroes
7. Space Oddity
8. Five Years
9. Under Pressure
10. Always Crashing In The Same Car
Re: Top 10 David Bowie Songs: Our Individual Lists
1. Life on Mars?
2. Five Years
3. Golden Years
4. Moonage Daydream
5. Heroes
6. The Bewlay Brothers
7. Ashes to Ashes
8. Be My Wife
9. Diamond Dogs
10. Speed of Life
Re: Top 10 David Bowie Songs: Our Individual Lists
Now's the turn of MyGent, our lead singer, an absolute Bowie fanatic. Here's his list:
1. Station to Station
2. Ashes to Ashes
3. Life on Mars?
4. Word on a Wing
5. Five Years
6. Fantastic Voyage
7. Sunday
8. Teenage Wildlife
9. Saviour Machine
10. I Can´t Read
And our drummer is a big fan of Led Zeppelin, that are coming round the corner I think...
Re: Top 10 David Bowie Songs: Our Individual Lists
1. Heroes
2. Changes
3. Space Oddity
4. Ashes to Ashes
5. Ziggy Stardust
6. Life on Mars ?
7. Rebel Rebel
8. Andy Warhol
9. Queen Bitch
10. John, I'm Only Dancing
Re: Top 10 David Bowie Songs: Our Individual Lists
1. Changes
2. Starman
3. Life on Mars?
4. Under Pressure
5. Heroes
6. Space Oddity
7. Sufragette City
8. Watch That Man
9. Oh! You Pretty Things
10. God Knows I'm Good
I'm assuming Under Pressure counts as a Bowie song as I tend to ignore the other name on the sleeve.
Re: Top 10 David Bowie Songs: Our Individual Lists
1. Heroes
2. Life On Mars?
3. Suffragette City
4. Moonage Daydream
5. Modern Love
6. Space Oddity
7. Sound And Vision
8. Changes
9. Song For Bob Dylan
10. Young Americans
Re: Top 10 David Bowie Songs: Our Individual Lists
1. who can i be now?
2. station to station
3. moonage daydream
4. ashes to ashes
5. within you
6. always crashing in the same car
7. sons of the silent age
8. the man who sold the world
9. somebody up there likes me
10. jump they say
Re: Top 10 David Bowie Songs: Our Individual Lists
1. "Heroes"
2. Space Oddity
3. Changes
4. Life On Mars?
5. Ashes to Ashes
6. Sound and Vision
7. Golden Years
8. Ziggy Stardust
9. The Jean Genie
10. All the Young Dudes
Re: Top 10 David Bowie Songs: Our Individual Lists
1). Heroes
2). China Girl
3). Rock & Roll Suicide
4). All the Young Dudes
5). Modern Love
6). Moonage Daydream
7). Ashes to Ashes
8). Suffragette City
9). Blue Jean
10). Changes
Re: Top 10 David Bowie Songs: Our Individual Lists
1)Moonage Daydream
2)Ziggy Stardust
4)Watch That Man
5)Rock 'n' Roll Suicide
6)Life on Mars?
7)Song for Bob Dylan
8)All the Young Dudes
9)Suffragette City
10)My Death
Re: Top 10 David Bowie Songs: Our Individual Lists
ONE Station To Station
TWO Time
TRE Rock'n Roll Suicide
FOR Starman
SIX Who Can I Be Now?
SVN Candidate (demo version)
EIT Queen Bitch
NNE Up The Hill Backwards
TEN Conversation Piece
Re: Top 10 David Bowie Songs: Our Individual Lists
10. Seven Years in Tibet
9. Fame
8. Golden Years
7. Changes
6. Ziggy Stardust
5. What in the World?
4. Space Oddity
3. It Ain't Easy
2. Moonage Daydream
1. Sound and Vision
Re: Top 10 David Bowie Songs: Our Individual Lists
1) Life On Mars?
2) Under Pressure
3) Space Oddity
4) Five Years
5) Changes
6) Heroes
7) The Man Who Sold The World
8) Moonage Daydream
9) Oh! You Pretty Things
10) Starman
Re: Top 10 David Bowie Songs: Our Individual Lists
1. Heroes
2. Ashes to Ashes
3. The Man Who Sold the World
4. Changes
5. Sound and Vision
6. Space Oddity
7. The Jean Genie
8. Ziggy Stardust
9. Life on Mars?
10. Let's Dance
Re: Top 10 David Bowie Songs: Our Individual Lists
1. Under Pressure
2. Ziggy Stardust
3. Space Oddity
4. 'Heroes'
5. Life on Mars?
6. Modern Love
7. Changes
8. The Man Who Sold the World
9. Young Americans
10. I'm Afraid of Americans
Re: Top 10 David Bowie Songs: Our Individual Lists
1) Rebel Rebel
2) Changes
3) Space Oddity
4) Sound & Vision
5) Ziggy Stardust
6) The Jean Genie
7) Golden Years
8) "Heroes"
9) The Man Who Sold The World
10) Young Americans
Re: Top 10 David Bowie Songs: Our Individual Lists
(1) Ziggy Stardust
(2) Life on Mars?
(3) Space Oddity
(4) Ashes to Ashes
(5) Young Americans
(6) Fame
(7) Be My Wife
(8) Under Pressure
(9) Changes
(10) Loving the Alien
Re: Top 10 David Bowie Songs: Our Individual Lists
10) Always Crashing in the Same Car
9) Golden Years
8) I Have Not Been to Oxford Town
7) Ziggy Stardust
6) TVC 15
5) Drive-In Saturday
4) Heroes
3) Station to Station
2) Panic in Detroit
1) Rebel Rebel (alternate Sound + Vision version)
Re: Top 10 David Bowie Songs: Our Individual Lists
10) China Girl
09) Lady Stardust
08) Soul Love
07) Heroes
06) Life on Mars?
05) Starman
04) Space Oddity
03) Changes
02) Modern Love
01) Suffragate City
Re: Top 10 David Bowie Songs: Our Individual Lists
1. Heroes
2. Warszawa
3. Sound And Vision
4. Always Crashing In The Same Car
5. Station To Station
6. Art Decade
7. Aladdin Sane
8. Ashes To Ashes
9. Watch That Man
10. Big Brother
Re: Top 10 David Bowie Songs: Our Individual Lists
1. Life on Mars?
2. Ashes to Ashes
3. Starman
4. Queen Bitch
5. Fashion
6. Oh! You Pretty Things
7. Rebel Rebel
8. Time
9. Lady Stardust
10. Always Crashing in the Same Car
Re: Top 10 David Bowie Songs: Our Individual Lists
1-Five Years
2-Moonage Daydream
3-Space Oddity
5-Ashes to Ashes
6-Life on Mars ?
7-Rock&Roll Suicide
8-Station to Station
10-Soul Love
Re: Top 10 David Bowie Songs: Our Individual Lists
2. Sweet Thing/Candidate/Sweet Thing
3. Heroes
4. Ashes to Ashes
5. Drive-on Saturday
6. Stay
7. Starman
8. Moss Garden
9. 5:15 Angels Have Gone
10.A New Career in a New Town
Re: Top 10 David Bowie Songs: Our Individual Lists
1. Starman
2. Five Years
3. Space Oditty
4. Heroes
5. Ashes to Ashes
6. Rock`n Roll Suicide
7. Life on Mars
8. Suffrage City
9. Sound and Vision
10.Aladdin Sane
Re: Top 10 David Bowie Songs: Our Individual Lists
I'm going to try to limit myself to one per album
1. Life on Mars
2. TVC15
3. Fantastic Voyage
4. Heroes
5. Moonage Daydream
6. Space Oddity
7. Running Gun Blues
8. Panic in Detroit
9. Sound and Vision
10. Young Americans
Re: Top 10 David Bowie Songs: Our Individual Lists
1.Sound & Vision
2.Station to Station
3.Panic in Detroit
4.Golden Years
5.Rebel Rebel
6.Up the Hill Backwards
8.Moonage Daydream
9.Space Oddity
10.Queen Bitch
Re: Top 10 David Bowie Songs: Our Individual Lists
Here are the top songs so far:
1. "Heroes" (212.5 points)
2. Life On Mars? (170.5)
3. Space Oddity (146)
4. Ashes to Ashes (127)
5. Changes (101)
6. Moonage Daydream (82)
7. Five Years (73.5)
8. Station to Station (71)
9. Starman (68)
10. Ziggy Stardust (63.5)
11. Sound and Vision (61)
12. Golden Years (47)
13. Suffragette City (41.5)
14. Rebel Rebel (37)
15. Modern Love (36)
16. Under Pressure (35.5)
17. Warszawa (34)
18. Fame (33.5)
19. Rock and Roll Suicide (33)
20. Young Americans (30)
21. Aladdin Sane (22)
22= Panic in Detroit (20)
22= The Man Who Sold the World (20)
22= Time (20)
25= China Girl (18)
25= Drive-In Saturday (18)
25= Fashion (18)
28. The Jean Genie (17)
29= Be My Wife (16)
29= Wild Is the Wind (16)
31= Always Crashing in the Same Car (15)
31= Who Can I Be Now? (15)
33. TVC 15 (14)
34= Fantastic Voyage (13)
34= Queen Bitch (13)
36= Stay (12)
36= Watch That Man (12)
38= All the Young Dudes (11)
38= Seven Years in Tibet (11)
40. Subterraneans (10)
41= Lady Grinning Soul (9)
41= Oh! You Pretty Things (9)
41= Sweet Thing/Candidate/Sweet Thing (9)
44= Dead Man Walking (7)
44= The Bewlay Brothers (7)
44= Up the Hill Backwards (7)
44= Word on a Wing (7)
48. Let's Dance (6.5)
49= Song for Bob Dylan (6)
49= Win (6)
49= Within You (6)
52= Art Decade (5)
52= John, I'm Only Dancing (5)
52= Quicksand (5)
52= What in the World? (5)
56= Candidate (Demo Version) (4)
56= Lady Stardust (4)
56= Running Gun Blues (4)
56= Sons of the Silent Age (4)
56= Soul Love (4)
56= Sunday (4)
62= Andy Warhol (3)
62= I Have Not Been in Oxford Town (3)
62= It Ain't Easy (3)
62= Moss Garden (3)
62= Teenage Wildlife (3)
67= 5:15 Angels Have Gone (2)
67= Blue Jean (2)
67= Diamond Dogs (2)
67= Heathen (The Rays) (2)
67= Saviour Machine (2)
67= Slow Burn (2)
67= Somebody Up There Likes Me (2)
74= A New Career in Town (1)
74= Big Brother (1)
74= Conversation Piece (1)
74= God Knows I'm Good (1)
74= I Can't Read (1)
74= I'm Afraid of Americans (1)
74= Jump They Say (1)
74= Kooks (1)
74= Loving the Alien (1)
74= My Death (1)
74= Slip Away (1)
74= Speed of Life (1)
Re: Top 10 David Bowie Songs: Our Individual Lists
01. Space Oddity
02. Starman
03. Five Years
04. Changes
05. Young Americans
06. Life on Mars
07. Heroes
08. Ziggy Stardust
09. Golden Years
10. The Jean Genie
Re: Top 10 David Bowie Songs: Our Individual Lists
1. Heroes
2. Space Oddity
3. Life on Mars?
4. Changes
5. Ziggy Stardust
6. Starman
7. Under Pressure
8. Young Americans
9. Rebel Rebel
10. Sound and Vision
Re: Top 10 David Bowie Songs: Our Individual Lists
1. Five Years
2. "Heroes"
3. Sound and Vision
4. Rock 'n Roll Suicide
5. Warszawa
6. Life on Mars?
7. Station to Station
8. Suffragette City
9. Speed of Life
10. Ashes to Ashes
Not including the B-Man's vote because he did not establish the order of preference
Soon The Smiths, The Who, Pink Floyd, etc, etc, etc.
1 - Heroes - 404
2 - Life On Mars? - 336
3 - Space Oddity - 305
4 - Ashes To Ashes - 230
5 - Changes - 217
6 - Starman - 174
7 - Moonage Daydream - 156
8 - Five Years - 154
9 - Sound And Vision - 151
10 - Ziggy Stardust - 144
11 - Station To Station - 128
12 - Golden Years - 94
13 - Rock & Roll Suicide - 87
14 - Suffragette City - 81
15 - Young Americans - 76
15 - Rebel Rebel - 76
17 - Under Pressure - 66
17 - Warszawa - 66
19 - The Jean Genie - 50
20 - Fame - 48
21 - Modern Love - 46
22 - The Man Who Sold The World - 45
23 - Aladdin Sane - 42
24 - Always Crashing In The Same Car - 40
24 - Time - 40
26 - China Girl - 38
27 - Be My Wife - 36
28 - Panic In Detroit - 35
29 - Fashion - 33
29 - Drive-In Saturday - 33
29 - Queen Bitch - 33
32 - Wild Is The Wind - 31
33 - Watch That Man - 27
34 - All The Young Dudes - 26
34 - Who Can I Be Now? - 26
36 - TVC 15 - 24
36 - Lady Grinning Soul - 24
36 - Oh! You Pretty Things - 24
39 - Fantastic Voyage - 23
39 - Speed Of Life - 23
41 - Stay - 22
42 - Up The Hill Backwards - 17
42 - The Bewlay Brothers - 17
44 - Song For Bob Dylan - 16
44 - Subterraneans - 16
46 - John, I'm Only Dancing - 15
47 - Soul Love - 14
47 - Lady Stardust - 14
47 - Sweet Thing/Candidate/Sweet Thing - 14
50 - It Ain't Easy - 13
51 - Seven Years In Tibet - 12
51 - Dead Man Walking - 12
51 - Let's Dance - 12
51 - Word On A Wing - 12
55 - Without You - 11
55 - What In The World? - 11
55 - Win - 11
58 - Art Decade - 10
58 - Quicksand - 10
60 - Sunday - 9
60 - Sons Of The Silent Age - 9
60 - Candidate (Demo Version) - 9
60 - Running Gun Blues - 9
64 - I Have Not Been To Oxford Town - 8
64 - Teenage Wildlife - 8
64 - Andy Warhol - 8
64 - Moss Garden - 8
68 - Slow Burn - 7
68 - Heathen (The Rays) - 7
68 - Blue Jean - 7
68 - Somebody Up There Likes Me - 7
68 - Diamond Dogs - 7
68 - Saviour Machine - 7
68 - 5:15 Angels Have Gone - 7
75 - Slip Away - 6
75 - Conversation Piece - 6
75 - I'm Afraid Of Americans - 6
75 - Jump They Say - 6
75 - I Can't Read - 6
75 - Loving The Alien - 6
75 - My Death - 6
75 - Big Brother - 6
75 - God Knows I'm Good - 6
75 - Kooks - 6
75 - A New Career In A New Town - 6
Re: Top 10 David Bowie Songs: Our Individual Lists
1. "Heroes"
2. Ashes to Ashes
3. We Prick You
4. Sound and Vision
5. Word on a Wing
6. Fall Dog Bombs the Moon
7. Life on Mars?
8. Rebel Rebel
9. Suffragette City
10. Teenage Wildlife