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Am I the only one who thinks this is Coldplay's finest hour? X&Y is TERRIBLY underrated and is the most consistently brilliant album in the band's catalog. I am disappointed with the middling reception from critics. It is NOT Coldplay's fault A Rush of Blood to the Head became a runaway success in America. Why is it that an artist's most ambitious and accomplished work simultaneously their most underappreciated? X&Y simply deserves better. I ain't gon' lie though because at first listen, I thought it was disappointing beyond belief. But it grows on you tremendously and was definitely one of the finest albums of 2005. The fourth album should be even more promising.
This isn't just a statement, I am looking for an answer here...
I'd agree with all of that, yeah. It took a few listens to grow on me (I literally remember thinking: "well, there's just no songs on it" after the first listen), but on the whole I think it's their strongest, boldest and most layered work to date.
But then, it didn't really seem under-rated here in the UK where Q called it the album-of-the-year and the NME placed it in their top twenty.
That's true. But I think Q did that because they have given it a five-star review. And even so, the album's position on year-end lists show do not peak as high as each of it's predecessors. X&Y is MASSIVELY underrated in the states. And for all the wrong reasons too...
You really think it's that under-rated? I don't know. I mean, its meta-critic score is a 70 - that's the exact same score that Parachutes got five years earlier.
For all the people they have on board, there are just some people - both critics and in the public - who are just really inspired to hate Coldplay!
Even A Rush Of Blood To The Head had some absolutely scathing reviews: "The most disappointingly safe alternative album of the year", or "detestable" and "content to create directionless palettes of sound".
(All quotes sources from meta-critic).
Of course it's underrated. You have to take into consideration that Parachutes pooled a significantly less number of reviews than X&Y and X&Y is not even in the top 2500. It's underrated and unfairly so.
Sorry but I find them dull, and their lyrics dont actually say much do they?
The lyrics are puzzling, and they are cryptic. But if you don't invest time into assigning meaning to them, they will go right over your head. Perhaps you don't possess that ability...
Puzzling and cryptic? Well I obviously don't possess the "ability" to reach that conclusion. I for one find the extremely general and at times simplistic. The subject frequently appears to be the human condition in the everchaning and complex modern world, nothing new here...
But what bothers me the most is that Mr. Martin claims to have all the answers; "Lights will guide you home...and I'll try to fix you"
What is Mr. Martin proposing to do exactly, to fix our wretched lives? Maybe we should all write mediogre MOR music and date movie stars...
If ever the blessed DJ should be hung for constantly playing music that says nothing to me about my life...
Exactly Verlaine, the lyrics say nothing much at all, far too general, like they're trying to appeal to everyone in an empty-headed way.
Okay, are you a Radiohead fan by chance? Radiohead is one of my favorite bands, but I am so tired of people ranting about it's lyrics, like they "get it." Radiohead's lyrics may sound complicated and poetic, but they are mind boggling and so insular to the point, it is hard to figure out what they mean. They are challenging and Chris Martin's, while slightly more awkward, are deceptive as well. You probably just suffer from indieitis. I'm sure you're one were one of those people who raved about Parachutes and A Rush of Blood to the Head, but promptly disowned Coldplay after it gained high commercial status. People are full of it.
I'm no Radiohead fan either.
Sorry, I was talking to Verlaine. Your comments are irrelevant to me because you're only a parrot.
Bullfinches are not parrots.
Well, stop repeating what others say and be original, Bullfinch.
I was original. I was the person that brought up the lyrics for example. And I also agree with what Verlaine said, that isnt being a parrot.
Yes, some people are full of it indeed.
How exactly do you feel that X&Y is underrated? Is it because too many people (and critics) hate it, or that not enough people like it?
I would agree on the former: I don't see what Coldplay or Chris Martin have done to earn such hatred.
But if you're saying that everyone should like Coldplay but doesn't because of the anti-hype, I think you're wrong. For example, I don't hate X&Y but it's definitely not one of my 20 favourite albums from 2005. Not because it has too many negative qualities, but because I felt it didn't offer me as much musically as some others. Also it didn't quite grow on me like A Rush of...
All in all, I think in 20 years X&Y will certainly not be regarded as Coldplay's finest hour and I think this honest disappointment is what inspired most negative reviews of X&Y.
The problem with X&Y is you have to do something bold. Chris Martin was talking about re-inventing the wheel with the new album in 2003. Tracks 2 to 7 are great as is "Til Kingdom Come", the rest aren't as good as their non-album material 1998-2003.
Bullfinch: Go dabble in other business and stop talking.
Verlaine: I think it's amusing how you talk about yourself. Where's your self-love?
Bob: I completely agree with what you're saying. It's NOT the anti-hype. IN FACT, X&Y was the most anticipated album of 2005, arguably. Critics are ill from indieitis.
Mitchell: You're wrong, actually. True enough, X&Y was INTENDED to reinvent the wheel, but the tracks they came up with were soulless and vague (much like Bullfinch), so they were scrapped. Their upcoming FOURTH album is not being touted as the one that will invent the wheel. However, X&Y is still a sharp detour from the sound of it's two predecessors.
now being touted*
The original poster seems to love Coldplay a lot and seems to think anyone who doesn't is pretenteous and/or stupid.
That's the point right?
Well I guess you've proven my point considering you failed to spell PRETENTIOUS correctly...
yup, solid argument...right up there with the "getting" Radiohead nonsense...
On that note, people who claim to "get" Radiohead lyrics, good for them, it is not like there is a universial answer-key for Radiohead lyric sheets, each person interprets them in their own way, and "Planets are moving at the speed of light." particularly interesting, not "mind-boggling" at all...
Get over it, people not liking Coldplay is not meant as an insult to you, they just make ininteresting music.
(I find the line "Planets are moving at the speed of light." particularly insightful and not "mind-boggling" at all.)
...eh, who cares by now?
If it's all nonsense to you, why do you insist coming back for more? If it's nonsense, don't bother trying to analyze it. People dislike Coldplay for the WRONG reasons, period. Jealousy will turn your eyes the deepest shade of green. Do I insult your pride? Awww, poor baby. Looks like I have an attention whore to tend to.
Er, actually my point above, which you said you agreed to, was that most people dislike (or don't care about) Coldplay for exactly the right reasons, i.e. that X&Y is not as good as other albums. There is no reason why X&Y didn't make the top 2500, other than that there are at least 2500 albums better than X&Y.
I understand you disagree with this last statement, but you'll have to get over it. Many people's personal favourite albums aren't very acclaimed, which shouldn't (and doesn't) prevent them from enjoying these albums.
No, I agree with what you said about Coldplay about not deserving such hatred. You are entitled to your own opinion, and although it is vastly different from mine, I respect it because you state your comments with tact and taste. Unlike most of these idiots...
Please give examples of where X&Y shows sharp detours from the sound of the previous album. Because to me it sounded like a re-tread of A Rush of Blood To The Head in most places.
A Rush of Blood to the Head is far more intimate and slightly more melancholy than X&Y. "Square One" utilizes Roxy Music and Brian Eno influences. "What If" could be an outtake from the previous album, but with its grandiose string arrangement and piano line, it recalls Elton John in his prime. "White Shadows" also has traces of ambient and electronica and its chorus gives a nod to Prince's "When Doves Cry" "Talk" brilliantly samples a Kraftwerk song. "X&Y" is dreamy and ethereal with hazy guitars. "Speed of Sound" is essentially a "Clocks" redux, but is heavily influenced by U2 without the band sounding like a clone. "A Message" is folky, somewhat like "Green Eyes" only a little more upbeat and Chris Martin's vocals are fantastic. "Low" is arguably the most intense song U2 never made and lyrically it's brilliant. "The Hardest Part" is an excellent radio friendly single that is densely layered. "Swallowed in the Sea" is a depature, slow-burning and atmospheric, revealing its charms after several listens. "Twisted Logic" is the most epic song in the band's canon. "Til Kingdom Come" is a true detour into stripped territory, with its wonderful melody and acoustic simplicity. True X&Y DOES share some qualities of A Rush of Blood to the Head, only more aggressive, confident, bold, and ambitious. The lukewarm reception overall is similar to The Beatles (White Album), as that album was panned upon its initial release. Now critics will orgasm over it. The same is starting to happen for U2's Pop and Mansun's Six. X&Y deserves to be one of the most recognized and praised albums of this decade for it's accomplishments.
I think you are being rather generous there; A Rush of Blood... is certainly a more intimate album compapred to X&Y but comparing it back to Parachutes it seems nowhere near as personal and meloncholic, sky-scrapping anthems like "Clocks" and "In My Place" are better suited to the main stage at Glastonbury then a camp side fire.
I think that the album is a more epic take on what the band honed on A Rush Of Blood with a few Eno-ish nods of electronica added to the mix. Some fit, some don't. As densley layered as a some of the music maybe the songwriting hasn't made the jump up in quality that is required to pull off what they have more often then not accomplished musically.
Despite the electronica they aren't pushing back any boundaries, lyrically they really don't have anything to say."Swallowed By The Sea" "A Message" and even worse "Square One" don't show good songwriting skills, we're talking Hallmark greeting card with those three. I really hope you aren't comparing the song writing that can be found on The White Album to that found here.
I hate to have to bring Radiohead up but ignoring the way that Yorke's effortless moved from the personal
to the universal bettween The Bends and OK Computer is there anything on X&Y that shows the sonic adventure of "Airbag" or "Paranoid Android". That's the difference, aside from "Just" I think Coldplay could have recorded most of The Bends, even "Planet Telex" which is a pretty good approximation of how Coldplay sound now. The difference is on thier third album I couldn't say that Coldplay were capable of doing an album in the mould of OK Computer let alone being brave enough to head down the same road as Radiohead have donce since.
Coldplay are an above average rock band who have a universal appeal to radio listeners and concert goers around the world. There are songs aren't too leftfield, or too British they are like a 21st Century U2. They need to make a forth album that is more like Achtung Baby now.
It is just me, or am I the only one thats getting tired of U2 and Radiohead influenced stuff like coldplay? Seriously this generation needs something fresh and new and totally revolutionary. After all, the 80s and the 90s are over. Calling all musicians, create something!!!!!!
Honestly, third album pressure is the culprit here. Everyone expected it to be on a par with Radiohead's OK Computer (brilliant but ever so slightly overrated) or slump like Oasis' Be Here Now (an outstanding and criminally underrated masterwork). In fact, it is neither and has its own merit. Therefore it has been unjustly ignored. Believe me, I thought it was underwhelming after the first few listens, but it grows on you with each spin. Play it again, and it will reveal its subtle details. And Dudemon, most people don't "create" music the way you think. Music continuously recycles itself in different forms over time. I doubt anyone is going to create something ENTIRELY new.
I listened to Coldplay's debut a few days ago again, Dull as dishwater. I fell asleep.
I agree about all the U2 and Radiohead hype, it's boring as hell. U2, Radiohead and Coldplay = overrated.
Need I remind you we're talking about X&Y and NOT Parachutes?
Then why did you mention Rush of Blood? I was making the point that I dont think Coldplay have ever been that good.
I was comparing X&Y to A Rush of Blood to the Head and Parachutes. Your last post only mentioned Parachutes. If you're going to make an argument about Coldplay never being good, at least make yourself clear.
I just felt that I had to stop this thread, as the discussion makes no sense whatsoever.
You may want to discuss this decision in another thread.