To have extra income means taking on a job other than the one giving you a regular income, like another job to support your day job. The income generated from this new job, is usually used to pay off debts, or to build up capital, or to satiate the luxuries that you desire.
Everyone would love to have extra money but come to a standstill because they don't want to take on a second job. Thus, extra income becomes a windfall that nobody addresses.
Comparing the income levels of different countries, it is a fact that the average annual income of a person is less than $15,000. This income places most people below the poverty line. Thus, the need to earn extra income becomes more evident.
But there are other countries that have an average income of more than $15,000, and thus, their contentment is more marked. Or it should, but that's not the scenario that is happening. Take into account that an average American ranks richer in terms of income, compared to an average Indian or Austrian, but are less happy or content.
People have been lead to believe that happiness is directly proportional to the amount of money that one makes. But what happens is that people have come to compare their income with that of a norm that is also steadily increasing. With the increase in this norm, it becomes apparent to them that their income cannot substantiate their need to keep up with the rising norm.
There are two things that drive up the norm with which people compare their income to: First, is the income that they have experienced, which propagates them to a higher standard of living. The second is that they look at the income that their neighbors, friends, and colleagues get, which they then try to outdo.
This temerity of trying to outdo one's self has lead to an explosion in those seeking extra income. Usually, it drives people to use skills that have been dormant. To achieve a certain degree of success in this field, one should know their underlying strengths and determine the best way to make use of those strengths for monetary gain.
Extra income can also be augmented by doing extra seasonal chores like raking leaves in the fall or clearing snow during winter. These are just a few ideas, but producing extra income augmented with self analysis often takes away the need for a second job.
Nowadays, technology found via the internet and the general market offer lots of ideas to generate income. Some network marketing opportunities have been successful. The internet has a lot to offer such as: affiliate marketing, other options such as writing, advertising, and simple non-technical jobs will help augment your income.
To have extra income means taking on a job other than the one giving you a regular income, like another job to support your day job. The income generated from this new job, is usually used to pay off debts, or to build up capital, or to satiate the luxuries that you desire. OPINIAO REMUNERADA