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Meaning of Synonyms, Alphabetical List

A synonym is a word that has the same meaning as another word. If you replace a word in the sentence with its synonym, the meaning of the sentence will not really change that much. Of course, there are meanings, and not every synonym is an exact substitute, but sometimes we need a different word for a change. Some words have dozens of synonyms, such as funny: amusing, hilarious, laughable, slapstick, funny, and many more. In other words, sadly, there is no such synonym as postmodernism. Check your thesaurus - it's all there! List of Synonyms and Antonyms

In Hindi:

बेहतर के लिए शब्द समान हैं। यदि आप किसी भी शब शब के कयमाउत करते हैं, तो उसका अपना वह उसका है जो बदलने से बदलने, बदलने, बदलने, बदलने, बदलने, बदलने, बदलने, बदलने, बदलने, बदलने, बदलने, इसका अर्थ बदलने, निश्चित रूप से रंग बदलने के लिए बदल रहा है। वही हैं, और हर एक एक विकल्प है, कभी-कभी बदलाव के लिए एक अलग शब्द की आवश्यकता होती है। एन एन एन एन एन एन अंत में, दुख की बात है कि उत्तर-आधुनिकतावाद जैसी कोई चीज नहीं है। अपनी थिपी पवित्रा (सामंथा सबकारवा) की जाँच करें - यह वहाँ है! मैं

Synonyms List

If everything is expressed in one word under every circumstance, then life will become boring. Fortunately, we have synonyms to express the same message in different ways. Many competitive exams have questions on vocabulary especially synonyms and antonyms.
Synonyms are words that have similar or very similar meanings. In this series of articles, you will learn synonyms for commonly used words. Each article has a list of 15-20 words. Each word is accompanied by four synonyms. The lists are arranged in alphabetical order of words.

What are a synonym and examples?

A synonym is a word that has the same meaning (or almost the same meaning) as another word. For example, beautiful and attractive are synonyms of each other as they both refer to someone or something that looks good.

What are synonyms and antonyms?

Synonyms are words that have the same or almost the same meaning as another word. Antonyms are words that have the opposite meaning of another word. Choosing the right synonyms enhances your writing. Learning common antonyms
sharpens your language comprehension and expands your vocabulary.

How do you use synonyms?

For example, instead of using the word "beautiful" several times in your text, you can use synonyms such as "gorgeous," "stunning" or "Beautifull" to better paint a picture of your description. can. Using just one word over and over will ensure that you lose your audience's attention due to boredom!


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Re: Meaning of Synonyms, Alphabetical List

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