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Defence Minister of India List

Defence Minister of India List: The Government of India is responsible for ensuring the defence of India and every part thereof. The Supreme Command of the Armed Forces vests in the President. The responsibility for national defence rests with the Cabinet. This is discharged through the Ministry of Defence, which provides the policy framework and wherewithal to the Armed Forces to discharge their responsibilities in the context of the defence of the country. The Raksha Mantri (Defence Minister) is the head of the Ministry of Defence. list of defence ministers of india
The principal task of the Defence Ministry is to obtain policy directions of the Government on all defence and security-related matters and communicate them for implementation to the Services Headquarters, Inter-Services Organisations, Production Establishments and Research and Development.
Historical Background: Defence Minister of India List
In the year 1776, a military department was created in the Supreme Government of the East India Company in Kolkata, whose main function was to filter and record the orders related to the army issued by the various departments of the East India Company. The Military Department initially functioned as a branch of the Public Department and maintained an inventory of Army personnel.
With the Charter Act of 1833, the Secretariat of the Government of the East India Company was reorganized into four departments, including a military department, each headed by a secretary to the government. The Army in the Presidencies of Bengal, Bombay and Madras served as the respective Presidency Army until April 1895, when the Presidency Armies were integrated into a single Indian Army. For administrative convenience, it was divided into four Commands. Punjab (including the North-West Frontier), Bengal, Madras (including Burma) and Bombay (including Sindh, Quetta and Aden).
The supreme authority over the Indian Army is vested in the Governor-General-in-Council, under the control of the Crown, exercised by the Secretary of State for India. Two members of the council were responsible for military affairs, one of which was a military member, overseeing all administrative and financial matters, while the other was the commander-in-chief who was responsible for all operational matters. In March 1906 the Military Department was abolished and replaced by two separate departments, the Department of the Army and the Department of Military Supplies. Then in April 1909, the Department of Military Supplies was abolished and its functions were taken over by the Army Department. In January 1938, the Army Department has renamed the Department of Defense. The Department of Defense became the Ministry of Defense in August 1947 under a cabinet minister.
Organisational Set-Up And Functions
After independence Ministry of Defence was created under the charge of a Cabinet Minister, and, each Service was placed under its own Commander-in-Chief. In 1955, the Commanders-in-Chief were renamed the Chief of the Army Staff, the Chief of the Naval Staff and the Chief of the Air Staff. Then in November 1962, a Department of Defence Production was set up to deal with the research, development and production of defence equipment. In November 1965, the Department of Defence Supplies was created for planning and execution of schemes for import substitution of defence requirements.

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The principal task of the Ministry is to frame policy directions on defence and security-related matters and communicate them for implementation to the Services Headquarters, Inter-Service Organisations, Production Establishments and Research & Development Organisations. It is required to ensure effective implementation of the Government’s policy directions and the execution of approved programmes within the allocated resources.

Savitri Singh