Welcome to the second (and final) stage of the 2011 Year-End Songs Poll. A total of 108 songs have qualified for this final as a result of nominations from 28 participants in the first round.
Thanks very much to the following participants who nominated songs: Alex D, antonius, beefsupreme, BillAdama, Charlie Driggs, Ddiamondd, Depeche Mode, Gillingham, Greg, Henrik, Jackson, John, Jonah, Kingoftonga, Michel, Moonbeam, Nassim, Nick, nicolas, Petri, Rocky Raccoon, Romain, Slick, sonofsamiam, Stephan, VanillaFire1000, Zorg.
Of course, everyone is welcome to participate in this final round (not only the ones who nominated).
There are 4 ways to compile your list of favourites from the 108 finalists:
1. Distribute a total of 300 points among 30 songs. A maximum of 30 points and a minimum of 3 points can be allocated to each song.
2. If there really aren't 30 songs you like enough to give points to, then you can distribute 200 points among 20 songs, with a maximum of 20 points and a minimum of 2 points allocated to each song. (But do bear in mind that the maximum amount of points you can allocate to your favourite song is 10 points less than a list consisting of 30 songs.)
3. If you don't feel like allocating points, you can simply submit a ranked top 30 or top 20 without assigning points. In this case, 300 or 200 points will be allocated to your top 30 or top 20 using a formula that benefits the top-ranked songs on your list. (For anyone interested, the formula I will use for a top 30 is 30*(1+3.839275)/(rank+3.839275) and for a top 20 it will be 20*(1+6.290085)/(rank+6.290085).
4. You can also submit an unranked list of 30 or 20 songs without assigning points. In this case, 10 points will be given to each of the songs on your list.
Please do not submit your lists in this thread. All lists should be emailed to: daniel_meyer30@hotmail.com
This poll will close on 5 February.
Have fun and let me know if you have any questions. Here are the songs...
Honey Bunny got through for Girls? That is possibly the last song I'd pick...and I'm very surprised Adult Goth didn't get picked. I adore that song (though not enough to have voted for it of course).
I'm really happy Bill Callahan got 3 picks through, and it's nice to say Childish Gambino there (Troy from Community hehe).
Sorry, Henrik, but I am passionately anti-censorship. Your decision to lock the 00s songs thread very much goes against my principles. This will therefore be my last ever post on the forum. I apologise for being so overly (fucking) dramatic, but if you knew my personal history with censorship you might understand. I trust and hope that someone else will be able to manage the songs and albums polls of 2011. nicolas and Honorio: I love you.
Please don't go, Dan! A locked thread doesn't strike me as explicit censorship - just moderation. If you do decide to leave, you will be surely missed.
Please reconsider your decision Dan, it would be a shame to lose such an interesting poster over something like this; locking the thread was just a way to redirect the focus of the discussion to the top 20 in the new thread, I don't think it was at all intended as some form of censorship.
I have been a poster on this site since at least 2004, and have always enjoyed the fact that it has stayed focused on spirited discussion of music. It's amazing after all these years that these boards have not devolved into incoherent ramblings... it's basically the only online discussion board I can follow these days.
There's plenty of threads to discuss all sorts of topics and post all kinds of pictures, but it gives me a real headache to follow a thread with a ranked list and have all sorts of distractions and off-topic posts.
I don't consider locking that thread and adding a new one censorship at all. It's like replacing a copy of great novel that's been scribbled all over and scratched with a new copy so we can at least finish the story.
a) It's not censorship to lock a thread that anyone can still visit and see all the comments. Nothing was censored. And anyone can discuss it further if they want by starting a new thread. The problem was that it was completely off topic for that thread. It would be like if someone went to a PTA meeting and all they talked about was withdrawing troops from Afghanistan. That person would rightfully be removed from the meeting and it wouldn't be censorship.
b) I think it's worse to just drop a poll and leave a bunch of people participating in it in the lurch as to its proceeding and conclusion just because of some misconception of what censorship is.
Dan, your participation in the forum is far more important than the locking of that thread! And like others have said, I don't think I censored anything, but just stopped a conversation that was being held in the wrong thread. I have opened the thread again but I recommend the off-topic forum for other topics than music.
And you wait until the day you walk out to say that ? You're Britter than the Brits !
Except to hear more from me
Now there's something I'd like to say : Those results threads are this forum's better moments. People express their reactions, it's lively. So what if it goes off topic a little bit ? Fuck it's not a scholars symposium !! To quote Geg, it's just a fucking ALBUM POLL so don't take it so seriously !!
This is a human community. I know some people come here for music discussions only, and do not really care about anything else. But I think it's also a friendly place. People make friends here. They even see each other in the flesh from time to time !!!!!
If it was just anonymous people exchanging their views on music I wouldn't have stayed here. that's why I'm so pissed when somebody like Dan leaves the ship.
Oh dear. I feel like a complete idiot. I totally overreacted. Please accept my apologies for that unnecessary hissy fit (especially you, Henrik). And thank you very, very, very much for your kind words (even though they made me feel even more embarrassed for being such a drama queen ). This is the best forum on the internet and I would probably suffer from severe withdrawal symptons if I ever left.
Rocky Raccoon
I think it's worse to just drop a poll and leave a bunch of people participating in it in the lurch
Oh dear. I feel like a complete idiot. I totally overreacted. Please accept my apologies for that unnecessary hissy fit (especially you, Henrik). And thank you very, very, very much for your kind words (even though they made me feel even more embarrassed for being such a drama queen ). This is the best forum on the internet and I would probably suffer from severe withdrawal symptons if I ever left.
Rocky Raccoon
I think it's worse to just drop a poll and leave a bunch of people participating in it in the lurch
Quite right. The show is back on the road!
What a relief! This day just got so much better. Welcome back!
Oh dear. I feel like a complete idiot. I totally overreacted. Please accept my apologies for that unnecessary hissy fit (especially you, Henrik). And thank you very, very, very much for your kind words (even though they made me feel even more embarrassed for being such a drama queen ). This is the best forum on the internet and I would probably suffer from severe withdrawal symptons if I ever left.
Rocky Raccoon
I think it's worse to just drop a poll and leave a bunch of people participating in it in the lurch
Quite right. The show is back on the road!
You're a big man for coming back in this fashion. I think most people here share your aversion to censorship, and it's great to see someone so passionate about it. Congrats for coming back, and the forum is a better place for it.
I love you too, Dan. And I mean it. I came (as always) late to see the discussion live and I felt first the shock about your sudden decision, then the pride of seeing the support coming from the other AMers and finally the relief after seeing that you changed your mind. Welcome back, Dan, you are really a valuable member of the AM community and I feel myself very close to you in opinions and tastes. We are all very happy to have you back and it’s obviously (even passionately) stated in this thread. That's the greatness of this Forum, it’s (like nicolas said) a friendly place. We can react against something, like the famous nj's picture, but you will (almost) never see an insult coming from the regulars (by the way, nj, we would be happy too if your decide to come back despite all the backlash, you are one of us and sorry for my paternalistic speech). And, Dan M, I’m really glad that you and Henrik ironed out your differences about censorship and freedom of speech. In my opinion (and we all agree in that for sure) Henrik is the best moderator for the Forum you can think of, he always let us complete freedom and the very few times he locked a thread were justified because of violent language or redundant discussions going nowhere.
So (again) welcome, I'm so grateful that you can expect a list from me for this thread despite having announced that I was not going to participate because my perennial lack of time.
you can expect a list from me for this thread despite having announced that I was not going to participate because my perennial lack of time.
That's great news, and it's absolutely wonderful that you're participating despite your lack of time. Thanks very much for your post, Honorio. It really means a lot to me.
You guys are all amazing. And Henrik, I apologise again if I have caused you any distress. We are very lucky to have you in charge of this forum.
Nj was a great contributor to this forum when all s/he? did was come on and post about cool obscure stuff. It's great to have somebody who's promoting stuff nobody would listen to otherwise. Just, he seemed to be so angry that people liked stuff more popular than he'd prefer he just refused to do that anymore.
But yeah, there's a difference between government imposed censorship and the voluntary enforcement of private community standards.
Can someone explain why Gucci Gucci is an acclaimed song? After hearing it for the first time, it would fit comfortably on a worst songs of 2011 list.
I'm with you on this. That song is complete and total shit. I'm actually convinced that the song is a government experiment on musical torture devices that was somehow leaked to the public.
A piece of advice : in your list, don't limitate yourself to one or 2 songs per artist, otherwise you'll increase the spreading effect.
I have 4 Fleet Foxes songs and 2 Ry Cooder in my top 10
6 FF in my top 20
Can someone explain why Gucci Gucci is an acclaimed song? After hearing it for the first time, it would fit comfortably on a worst songs of 2011 list.
I'm with you on this. That song is complete and total shit. I'm actually convinced that the song is a government experiment on musical torture devices that was somehow leaked to the public.
Fuck these basic bitches yo, where my bad bitches at? Song Of the Year IMHO. If you don't understand it, I'll pray for you.
I've received 5 lists by email so far (from Charlie Driggs, Depeche Mode, Romain, Slick and sonofsamiam). There's still quite a bit of time left to submit your lists before the deadline of 5 February.
Also, I just wanted to mention that you are of course welcome to send me comments about the songs in our final. I will include all comments in the presentation.
Thanks for your lists, guys. I have received 12 lists so far (from Brad, Charlie Driggs, Depeche Mode, Honorio, Jonah, Nick, nicolas, Otisredding, Rocky Raccoon, Romain, Slick and sonofsamiam). There's still time before Sunday's deadline.
Disappointing that Danny Brown's Monopoly didn't make the cut. Did anybody nominate it?
So by the deadline being Feb 5th, does that mean I need to make my list in the next couple hours, or do I have a little more time today? I'm actually living in Taipei now, so it already is the 5th for me.
So by the deadline being Feb 5th, does that mean I need to make my list in the next couple hours, or do I have a little more time today? I'm actually living in Taipei now, so it already is the 5th for me.
No, don't worry, I'll only close the poll when I wake up on the 6th here in Scotland (so you have another 40 hours or so).
I've received 14 lists so far and I'm hoping for a few more.
List sent too, I was worry I would not reach 30 songs at first, because the first discovery I made were very disappointing, but then it started being pretty great songs only... eliminating the last 5 have been pretty tough. (I did not listen to them in any rational order, so I suppose that won't give any hint ^^ )
I like this poll, but I only like 3 of these songs enough to listen to them apart from when Im listening to the album they are on. (Lonely Boy, Art of Almost, Gucci Gucci.) Music is definitely not going in my direction these days.
List submitted earlier today. Didn't really discover too much from the second stage like I did last year. The Girls' Vomit was probably my favorite thing I hadn't previously paid attention to. Also Fucked Up's Queen of Hearts got my second-highest point total after ranking outside of the top 10 in my stage 1 poll. I've begun to realize over the past couple of weeks that that song, as well as all of David Comes to Life, is really special.
Damn, didn't have much time to listen to new songs. Here's a quick top 15, my apologies for being late, if you don't want to count it that's fine because it's basically what I had already heard anyway.
1. TV on the Radio | Second Song
2. Wild Beasts | Lion's Share
3. tUnE-yArDs | Bizness
4. Bon Iver | Holocene
5. The National | Exile Vilify
6. The Antlers | I Don't Want Love
7. Tom Waits | Hell Broke Luce
8. June Tabor & Oysterband | Love Will Tear Us Apart
9. Gotye feat. Kimbra | Somebody That I Used to Know
10. Fleet Foxes | Lorelai
11. Lykke Li | I Follow Rivers
12. Ry Cooder | El Corrido de Jesse James
13. James Blake | The Wilhelm Scream
14. The Black Keys | Lonely Boy
15. Tom Waits | Bad As Me
Stephan, I will include your list. But as 300 points are distributed among the songs on a top 30, and 200 points among the songs on a top 20, I hope you don't mind if I only distribute 150 points among your top 15 (with your #1 getting 15 points).
List submitted earlier today. Didn't really discover too much from the second stage like I did last year. The Girls' Vomit was probably my favorite thing I hadn't previously paid attention to. Also Fucked Up's Queen of Hearts got my second-highest point total after ranking outside of the top 10 in my stage 1 poll. I've begun to realize over the past couple of weeks that that song, as well as all of David Comes to Life, is really special.
I spent all of today just listening to the last song on that album (and nothing else, except one play of Hot Rats), and it's a belter. It's so magnificently...epic!
It looks like I have another long evening of entering lists and links into a spreadsheet ahead of me My feelings about songs on a list are starting to resemble Samuel L. Jackson's feelings about snakes on a plane. Just kidding
Thanks to everyone who emailed me back about questions I had. antonius, if you read this before you see the email I sent you: you have two #11's on your list (Nicolas Jaar's Space Is Only Noise and Radiohead's The Daily Mail). Is one of the two songs not supposed to be on your list? Or should I make them your #11 and #12 and take Arctic Monkeys (your #30) off your list?
Get these songs of his lawn! I think this year was dominated by slow and moody songs. The thing is, that's usually the style I enjoy but when there's so many of them, the ones that aren't quite as good as the best (which is obviously subjective) just blend together.
^ Provocative, yes. But not a bitter old man. His sense of humour is far too good for that. We need people on here to challenge consensus lists and opinions, otherwise it would be a boring forum.
Well, to be perfectly honest, I borrowed that joke from French world/rap group Fabulous Trobadors (but they were talking about verses not songs).
I'm just expressing my feelings; Negative ? What I would like the less would be a politically correct and serious forum, that's why I always loved moonbeam not to mention nj (even when he/she crossed the line).
And frankly didn't you feel the same Rocky ? It means we all have different tastes, and that's good. as a philosopher once said "a society without conflicts wouldn't be a society of friends but a society of ants".
And I'm sure many tasted my "Corrido de Jesse James" melon and found it bitter.
And my family name is Lejeune, so I can't be old.
I don't have time to listen to all of these and I feel bad voting when I haven't heard them all. So I'll just give 30 to my absolute faves then 3 to each of the other songs I liked a lot.
30 points to:
Gang Gang Dance - Mindkilla
Ry Cooder - No Banker Left Behind
PJ Harvey - The Glorious Land
Tom Waits - Chicago
Tyler, The Creator - Yonkers
3 points to:
Adele - Rolling In The Deep
Cascadeur - Walker
M83 - Midnight City
Ry Cooder - Dirty Chateau
Ry Cooder - El Corridor de Jesse James
Nicolas Jaar - Space Is Only Noise That You Can See
Wilco - Art Of Almost
EMA - California
Gang Gang Dance - Glass Jar
Tom Waits - Bad As Me
Tom Waits - Hell Broke Luce
Tom Waits - New Years Eve
Tom Waits - Satisfied
St Vincent - Cruel
Gillian Welch - Dark Turn Of My Mind
James Blake - The Wilhelm Scream
The Black Keys - Lonely Boy
PJ Harvey - The Last Living Rose
PJ Harvey - The Words That Maketh Murder
PJ Harvey - Written on the Forehead
Raphael Saadiq - Stone Rollin
TV On The Radio - Second Song
Radiohead - Codex
Radiohead - Little by Little
Radiohead - Lotus Flower
This way my only significant impact on the list should be to help my absolute faves.
Thanks for your list, BillAdama. But your total amount of points only adds up to 225. Would you like me to give 6 points each to the 25 songs outside your top 5? That will take the points total to the required 300.
Also, would you mind ranking your top 5? (I've also asked that from those who emailed me their lists when I wasn't sure about the order of their top 5. It's just to make the presentation a bit easier and more sensible.) Thanks!
those 108 songs are like melons : you have to eat 10 of them to find a good one
I agree with you Nicolas....not because this year is weak but because this list is weak. A huge bag of excellent songs ended up in trash.
It's like the EOY top album or top songs. The real good songs of the year (for me) are not the chosen one.
Thanks for your list, BillAdama. But your total amount of points only adds up to 225. Would you like me to give 6 points each to the 25 songs outside your top 5? That will take the points total to the required 300.
BillAdama, I'm starting the results countdown at 9.30am forum time, so I've gone ahead and given the 25 songs outside your top 5 six points each so I could finish my calculations/presentation.
^ You are messing with me a little, mister. First you submit your list late and not by email, as requested. And then you are also the only one who doesn't stick to the rule of distributing 300 points among 30 songs or 200 points among 20 songs. But I don't want to drag this out any longer, so I'll change your scores back to the way you originally posted it, change my presentation accordingly and hopefully start with the countdown soon.
I don't think you need to wait, Dan. He is probably asleep and I don't think anyone (including Bill) would like to postpone the results because of this.
I don't think you need to wait, Dan. He is probably asleep and I don't think anyone (including Bill) would like to postpone the results because of this.
You can always blame me if someone objects.
OK then. I'll start the countdown in a few minutes.