All easy choices this week, with a nicely bolded top 4.
1. Built To Spill - Perfect From Now On
2. Tori Amos - Under The Pink
3. The Velvet Underground - VU
4. The Cure - Seventeen Seconds
5. Fleetwood Mac - Tusk
6. Elvis Costello - Blood and Chocolate
7. Prince - Lovesexy
8. This Heat - Deceit
This Heat can sure make some great songs ("Paper Hats" and "S.P.Q.R" from this album), but listening to Deceit all the way through isn't as satisfying as I would like. Plus, Perfect From Now On is an amazing album, particularly the way it comes out of the gate firing with "Randy Described Eternity" and "I Would Hurt a Fly." The production just sounds so massive and substantial, a unique approach compared with the ubiquitous lo-fi in 90s indie.
This Heat - Deceit Elvis Costello - Blood and Chocolate Fleetwood Mac - Tusk
Tori Amos - Under The Pink The Cure - Seventeen Seconds
The Velvet Underground - VU
Built To Spill - Perfect From Now On
Prince - Lovesexy
Division 1 is the only hard vote for me this week. Deceit is in my top 100.
Division 2: The Velvet Underground - VU
Division 4: Built To Spill - Perfect From Now On
On first listen I really like This Heat's album, Perfect from Now On is an old favorite though...I got to see them play the whole thing live a couple years ago too.