This forum likes nothing more than a good game/project, so I thought I'd throw a few ideas out there and see if any gain interest.
1. Album of the Week:
Members would sign up and be assigned a particular week in which they select a particular album to be discussed/dissected/celebrated by everyone involved. I suppose when it would be your week, you could provide a brief introduction as to why you chose your particular album, and post your general impressions or a review. Other members would then listen to said album through some mechanism (Spotify, Youtube, etc.) and also post their thoughts. If we wanted, we could then introduce a sort of vote in which each member posts their favorite discovery of the album of the week, and maybe even somebody (me?) would compile a CD set of said tracks to be distributed to everyone involved.
2. Member Mixtapes
Similar to the album of the week idea, except that members would construct a mix of, say, 10 songs to be uploaded to a legal site like 8tracks or deezer for other members to comment on and discover. There was a thread a few years ago for members to share such mixes, and I tried to organize something like this by posting a mix in February, but it never materialized. Perhaps we should try to focus these mixes on songs other AM members aren't likely to know. We could do a similar vote style arrangement of best discoveries and so forth.
3. Unacclaimed +/- Game
Similar to Henrik's game for artists, we could each propose one song outside of the AM top 3000 and Bubbling Under section for consideration, along with a link to where the song can be heard. Maybe each song could start with 3 points, and after a designated listening period (say a week or two?) the game could begin.
I like the unacclaimed game, though I picture it being run in bracket format as opposed to plus/minus.[/quote
We'd have to randomly assign the brackets, I suppose! I figured +/- would guarantee people would have to listen more, but maybe that's too much, and 2-by-2 comparisons would be the way to go!
Unacclaimed Game: 10-0
Album of the Week: 6-1
Member Mixtapes: 6-1
If we get to 16 yes votes for Unacclaimed, I think we should go for it. The others don't necessarily need that many participants (because they won't be bracketed), but it's good to see some measure of interest in these.
All YES for me... but a strong preference for album of the week... I organize my listening habits by albums and I've got a whole list of records I plan on listening to on Rhapsody.