Acclaimed Music Top 3000: Would you rather have it all on vinyl or CD?
Just curious: if you could have every album on the list, but only in either CD format or vinyl, which one would you rather have them all in?
Personally, I'd go vinyl. I have a lot more CDs than vinyl, but I'm starting to realize that, at least to me, vinyl has a more intrinsic value. I could go on and on about vinyl versus CDs, but perhaps that's for another post: but my simple answer for the question would be on vinyl.
Re: Acclaimed Music Top 3000: Would you rather have it all on vinyl or CD?
Answer: on my iPod.
Being able to take a couple thousand hours of music with me wherever I am whenever I want it outweighs any slight quality or warmth issues associated with either of the formats.
Re: Acclaimed Music Top 3000: Would you rather have it all on vinyl or CD?
Vinyl here as well just because it's more of an experience and I've put some money into a nice setup. Mp3/FLAC has little to no value for me anymore now that I bought a 3G phone. At home I listen to records and CD's, on the road I listen to streaming music.
Re: Acclaimed Music Top 3000: Would you rather have it all on vinyl or CD?
CD here. More compact and portable, and a hell of a lot easier to convert to mp3. In spite of John just said, I still listen to mp3s all the time, be it on my computer, my phone, or on my iPod. Never have gotten into streaming music.
Re: Acclaimed Music Top 3000: Would you rather have it all on vinyl or CD?
Vinyl by far. I'm planning on starting a vinyl collection once I have the means, and I'd rather own the songs digitally than on CDs, which I dislike and don't get much use out of. I think there are devices now to transfer songs from vinyl to CDs, right?
Re: Acclaimed Music Top 3000: Would you rather have it all on vinyl or CD?
Vinyl by far. I'm planning on starting a vinyl collection once I have the means, and I'd rather own the songs digitally than on CDs, which I dislike and don't get much use out of. I think there are devices now to transfer songs from vinyl to CDs, right?
They're called Vinyl Converters, my parents have one. (Saves a lot of money wasted on buying the song again.)
I also beleive that some come with software that removes the fuzzy sound.