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Are the EOD lists basically done?

The only major one we're missing off the top of my head is Spin...And I doubt that will rock the apple cart much at all.

Re: Are the EOD lists basically done?

We haven't seen a list from Mojo yet, either. Some of the more well-known music blogs, like Tiny Mix Tapes and Cokemachineglow (who have just released their EOY top 50 - I'll transcribe it in the other forum), haven't done EOD lists either, but they may choose not to.

Re: Are the EOD lists basically done?

The Wire hasn't done one yet either.

Re: Are the EOD lists basically done?

It'll be interesting to see how the decade end lists morph the all time lists.

I know the last update was about half way through the decade end lists, but I think we might see some of the top albums break certain milestones: (Funeral, Is This It: top 50, Yankee Hotel Foxtrot: top 100, Sound of Silver and Stankonia: Top 150, The Blueprint: Top 200)