these seem more like run-downs of hits (from various countries) from that year, rather than best. I mean, did you look at what was posted for 2001? That's all I needed to look at to determine such.
Well, they do like their pop! But any time Annie ranks as highly as she does in 2004, you know it's not merely a list of hits. I'd love her commercial success to mirror her critical success, but it just hasn't happened.
Annie has gotten acclaim and such- and, didn't she fare OK outside the USA?
Once again, just looking at 2001's list was enouguh for me to know not to check out the other years. Of course, there's nothing wrong with pop, but these lists include tracks that would not be anywhere near the average best-of list.
listing 212 tracks for a year is a bit much- so that, along with the seems-like-mostly-a-hits-countdown lists should render this null and void. At least that's my viewpoint (and it has Madonna on them, so no biases. hehe)