What about opening a new board for list submissions only ?
I'm just asking...
That would be easier for you Henrik when you go fishing for lists
And for us regulars it would be a good way to avoid the avalanche of posts in december (that sometime hide non-list posts like games, discussions, etc...)
Re: What about opening a new board for list submissions only ?
Since Bracketology has been getting buried of late, I would vote for that as well. But it sems to me that it would be a great way to keep the board organized.
Re: What about opening a new board for list submissions only ?
Do these boards offer options for moderating since the overhaul? If so, you could appoint some of the list compilers moderating rights so they can move lists from this forum to the other one and edit posts for a longer time; stuff like that.
I think I've asked this before, but seeing as you can create different forums now I figured the options for moderating might have expanded as well.
Re: What about opening a new board for list submissions only ?
Do these boards offer options for moderating since the overhaul? If so, you could appoint some of the list compilers moderating rights so they can move lists from this forum to the other one and edit posts for a longer time; stuff like that.
I think I've asked this before, but seeing as you can create different forums now I figured the options for moderating might have expanded as well.
I don't think the board offer either moderating or possibility to move threads from a forum to another. Or did you mean re-posting the lists in the new forum? I don't think this is necessary, especially since we have the summary spreadsheets.