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best of decade list

I came across this list, I think its eligible but its up to you to decide. Its little bit one sided but you may be interested anyway.

Re: best of decade list

Great list, I hope it's eligible, but from what I can gather there was only one contributer.

Re: best of decade list

from what I can gather there was only one contributer
Yes, so this list cannot be included.

Re: best of decade list

I gather there are at least two people behind that site. Site has got very good alexa rating (better than pitchfork) and great number of links in.
But Im all for it to tighten up eligibility criteria.

Re: best of decade list

I gather there are at least two people behind that site. Site has got very good alexa rating (better than pitchfork) and great number of links in.
But Im all for it to tighten up eligibility criteria.
The site ranking is not bad, but definitely not as good as Pitchfork's (171,352 vs. 2,841). And from the comments to the songs list:

While I would be immensely humbled by the idea that some people out there might look to IGIF for these reasons, that's not really what my list is about. Considering that I was 14 years old in 2000, the music of this decade represent in no small part what has shaped the person that I am today. So rather than saying "here are the absolute fifty best songs of the decade," it's more like "here are the fifty songs of the decade that meant the most to me."

Hence, this definitely seems to be a list from one person. Nevertheless, the lists are indeed really good. A list that includes Studio' "Life's a Beach!", The Flaming Lips' "In the Morning of the Magicians" surely gets thumbs up from me.

Re: best of decade list

Yes, the song list is written in "I" and album list is written in "WE", so which one are we talking about here?
About pitchfork, I dont need to look it up again, you must be right, my mistake for sure. Sorry

Re: best of decade list

Notice on the albums list introduction the introducer uses WE rather than I... so then cant this list be included if its clear that the best album list is done by more than ONE PERSON?????

Re: best of decade list

Notice on the albums list introduction the introducer uses WE rather than I...
Correct, but according to their Contact page they are two writers and two seems a little too close to one in this case.