20)Animal Collective - Merriweather Post Pavilion
19)Radiohead - In Rainbows
18)LCD Soundsystem - Sound of Silver
17)Animal Collective - Feels
16)Deerhunter - Microcastle
15)Tapes N’ Tapes - The Loon
14)Enon - High Society
13)Wilco - Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
12)Beck - Sea Change
11)TV on the Radio - Return to Cookie Mountain
10)Panda Bear - Person Pitch
09)Thom Yorke - The Eraser
08)Autolux - Future Perfect
07)The Mars Volta - De-Loused in the Comatorium
06)Grizzly Bear - Veckatimest
05)Elliot Smith - Figure 8
04)Radiohead - Kid A
03)Modest Mouse - The Moon and Antarctica
02)The Knife - Silent Shout
01)Animal Collective - Strawberry Jam
By the looks of this list, they might as well be Pitchfork.
I thought their name sounded similar to Pitchfork, but the list isn't really similar. Four out of their top ten, including number 1, didn't make P-fork's cut.
I know the guys that run this, the point of Fishpork is to be the anti-christ to the hipster that is Pitchfork...hence the simularity, if you read their articles you would see the difference
Mark from Fishpork here. Thanks for sharing the list! Not sure how many Pitchfork lists Elliott Smith, Autolux and Enon will make these days. Check out our other lists and let us know what you think.
Mark from Fishpork here. Thanks for sharing the list! Not sure how many Pitchfork lists Elliott Smith, Autolux and Enon will make these days. Check out our other lists and let us know what you think.
Hey Mark. I took your advice and checked out the site. I like your review style. And that's really what I dislike about PFork. Good site.
Mark from Fishpork here. Thanks for sharing the list! Not sure how many Pitchfork lists Elliott Smith, Autolux and Enon will make these days. Check out our other lists and let us know what you think.
Elliott made Pitchfork 200, but it's true: i'm yet to see enon or autolux these days. Enon used to make some EOY, but after thoses, nowhere to be seen.
Pitchfork reviews, well, i kinda have mixed feelings about it. They do have some pretty bad ones, especially if you check out some of their 90's reviews or the bombs. But there are others which are pretty great and relevant. I like pitchfork and i might be minority. I guess the one that got right most of the time is Allmusic, people over there are my favorites, at least when they hate something they make sense. I truly dislike reviews from Rolling Stone & Entertainment Weekly, at least these days. And is true, Fishpork sounds like Pitchfork and they kinda share the same love for the same artists. But that's it, right now and so far i can't see more similarities between them. I liked Fishpork, i bookmarked that page.