MDA fundraiser: Fill-the-Boot, on Saturday, the 25th of July
Montana Chapter of the Muscular Dystrophy Association, Bernie Hagen Steffan (406) 655-9000
The West Yellowstone Fire Department is holding it's annual MDA fundraiser: Fill-the-Boot, on Saturday, the 25th of July. The West Yellowstone Fire Department has partnered with the MDA and have committed themselves to raising money with their annual Fill-the-Boot every year. The MDA of Montana is hoping that the great citizens and visitors of West Yellowstone will be incredibly supportive of this event and are willing to donate their spare change to the firefighters as they stand on the road collecting money in their boots. The West Yellowstone Fire Department has been a long time supporter of the MDA and we appreciate all of their past efforts to give help and hope to over 500 Montana families. Please contact Bernie Hagen Steffan at the MDA if you have any questions at
(406) 655-9000.
The Muscular Dystrophy Association is dedicated to the eradication of the muscular dystrophies; Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS or Lou Gehrig's disease), Myasthinia Gravis, the spinal muscular atrophies, Friedreich's Ataxia and a host of other neuromuscular diseases. MDA is available to serve anyone with one of the 43 neuromuscular diseases in the Associations program.
MDA funds wheelchairs, leg braces, diagnosis, genitic testing and counseling, support groups, research, follow up medical care and a summer camp for youngsters with a neuromuscular disease.
MDA annually funds some 400 scientific teams worldwide. These investigators have made significant advances toward cures for several muscle wasting diseases. MDA has been recognized by the American Medical Association with a Lifetime Acheivement Award "for significant and lasting contributions to the health and welfare of humanity".
MDA is funded almost entirely by individual private contributors and does not receive government funding or fees from those it serves. Funds that are raised in Montana stay right here to help our over 500 families.