Firefighters lose ground in Wind River Range, Yellowstone
Firefighters lose ground in Wind River Range, Yellowstone
FORT WASHAKIE, Wyo. (AP) - Fanned by strong winds and high temperatures, a wildfire on the Wind River Indian Reservation grew to 14,500 acres.
Winds in the 30-40 mph range also forced all five helicopters dumping water on the South Fork II fire to retreat to base Monday. Air operations were suspended for up to an hour, fire spokeswoman Marilyn Krause said.
Tuesday's forecast called for more wind, but offered some relief in the form of cooler temperatures, reaching into the 70s in the mountains.
"We're regrouping this morning," she said Tuesday. "We're cautiously optimistic that we'll get some good work today."
The fire was 45 percent contained Tuesday morning.
Firefighters' biggest helicopter, one capable of dropping both water and fire retardant, broke down Monday but was back in service Tuesday morning, Krause said.
Besides the five helicopters, 330 firefighters were at the scene.
Elsewhere in Wyoming, strong, erratic winds forced firefighters to pull back from a 260-acre wildfire six miles east of Mount Washburn in Yellowstone National Park.
"They were all off by 12:30-1 p.m. It was just too unsafe to keep them in there with the erratic winds," park spokeswoman Cheryl Matthews said.
The crew had been focusing on securing fire lines around the tail end of the Broad fire and its south-southwest flank, as well as continue work along the northern edge of the fire.
The fire was in old-growth timber and heavy accumulations of dead and downed trees.
In all, eight fires have broken out in Yellowstone this summer. One was sparked by a power line and the rest were caused by lightning. All the others have been contained.
Currently, campfires are allowed in established fire pits and grates and liquid or gas fuel stoves and self-contained charcoal grills may be used. All park trails and facilities are open.
Meantime, firefighters continued mopping up a pair of wildfires in the Laramie Mountains west of Wheatland in southeast Wyoming.