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Hi all, Does anyone have an original small brass tags that fit on the cylinder nut and bolt that tells you the size of the bore? I need a 40+ Thanks Danny
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I think only postwar rebuilt bikes had the nice etched bore tags, wartime they were just stamped on a piece of brass plate, I have samples of both types, will see if I can post pics of them later today. Lex
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Here you go; Hope this helps, Lex
The third picture with the tag that has a 66-63 part number is the tag for a complete rebuilt M20 engine with magdynamo.....Ian
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Yes, you are right Ian, and I used to have a wooden crate that the engines came in too, but only have a Matchless one now. Think the 3rd. and 4th. pictures are of the same plate, just repurposed, but I don't know where the plates are now. Cheers, Lex
Lex, Ian Thank you for this and your kind help, with pics! I will replicate one of the tags from the measurements on a previous post of Ian’s. Lex, question if I may, what is the wording as the picture is abit blurry. Thanks Dan
Second picture says BORE 1MM O/S That means oversize. Cheers, Lex