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Royal Enfield WD/C control levers

Hi all, on the look out for a correct set of controls levers for my Royal Enfield WD/C 1940. Any help much appreciated. If the correct controls cant be found a set that wont look too out of place would also be considered.
Many thanks

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Re: Royal Enfield WD/C control levers

I can't help with parts at the moment Jeremy. But what you're looking for are what are known as the Standard Amal controls. Ron


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Re: Royal Enfield WD/C control levers

jeremy i showed you a pic of the levers. do you also need the twist grip? ive got lots of twist grips, im sure ive got the enfield valve lifer lever, ive got a few short Amal lvers, iv got both air and choke clip levers, i might have a pair of lever blades.

thanks, barry

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Re: Royal Enfield WD/C control levers

Barry, save me a decent standard Amal 7/8" twistgrip and two lever mounts, if you have any spare. I Don't need canvas grip. Ron

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Re: Royal Enfield WD/C control levers

i have the exhaust lever NOS
if u interested i can send photos
i hope i can help u

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