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1939 M20 gearchange springs

Looking for a pair of pawl springs for the gear change on a 1939 M20, part numbers 66-3224 and 66-3225. These must have been produced in the thousands as they were fitted to all BSAs in 1939, but changed for 1940. There are plenty of the later springs available but they won't fit.

Re: 1939 M20 gearchange springs

I don't have any, but have you tried 29-3303


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Re: 1939 M20 gearchange springs

These were fitted to the 'C' models. I haven't tried them but it'd be worth finding the dimensions.

Re: 1939 M20 gearchange springs

i have the spring original if u interested i can send photos

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Re: 1939 M20 gearchange springs

Hi everyone
I'm still looking for the gearchange springs. The 'C' model springs are too short. The longer spring of the two is functional but the shorter one, 1 7/8" long, is knackered. I'm crossing my fingers that there are some out there.

Re: 1939 M20 gearchange springs

Have you checked what Hussein has to offer? Ron

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Re: 1939 M20 gearchange springs

I contacted Hussein and he sent me a photo but wouldn't tell me the size or price!!! Most of the ones on offer are from the later models.

Re: 1939 M20 gearchange springs

Ah OK! He does turn up some pre war parts, but sometimes needs help identifying stuff. Ron

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Re: 1939 M20 gearchange springs

Hussein got back to me but his springs are the wrong size. So, I'm still looking.

Re: 1939 M20 gearchange springs

Hi Paul, I never noticed there was a difference in the mechanisme and in the lengths of the smaller springs used but indeed, I have them in approx 40mm overall length en approx. 45 mm.

No doubt these can be found in the UK, but if you really stuck send my an email.

BR Michiel / Netherlands

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