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OE type grease nipples

Hi All. Due to being an overly fussy old sod, I'm looking to replace all of the later 'clip-on' type of grease nipples on my bike with the original style parallel ones, for this I need 3 x angled and 6 x straight, all with 1/4"BSF thread. Do any of our members happen to have such things (new or used) or know of a supplier/source of these O/E items? Any leads appreciated. Thanks, Pete

Re: OE type grease nipples

This type ?


They're hard to find and never cheap if the seller knows you really want them...

Re: OE type grease nipples

Hi Rik. Yes, that's the type. I know that they will not be cheap but it is something that bugs me on my bike and I know that they actually harder to live with rather than the later type. There must be some somewhere. Fingers crossed!

Re: OE type grease nipples

Hi Peter
I bought some grease nipples last year

Visually they look the same as the older original type- but if you compare - they are slightly smaller physically- but do share same thread fitting

I can’t put photos on here - but will try take some tomorrow & send them to you direct

I might be able to find his card in the meantime


email (option):

Re: OE type grease nipples

Thanks John. I'll wait to hear.
Best Regards, Pete

Re: OE type grease nipples

Pete, what is your email? I found some 45 degree angled ones, but they have a loose nut, so that they can be positioned in any position, and locked by the small lock nut.

The other small ones can be found on Ebay sometimes.



email (option): welbike@welbi**.net

Re: OE type grease nipples

Hi Lex. I have sent you an email regarding your nipples (oh err) Hopefully, it will arrive, as I did send you an enquiry a while back but heard nothing from you. Fingers crossed. If nothing happens, I will need to come up with plan B.
Cheers, Pete

Re: OE type grease nipples

Yes, got it, and replied.


email (option): welbike@welbi**.net

Re: OE type grease nipples

Hi Lex. Nothing has arrived with me so far, lost in space perhaps? Cheers, Pete

Re: OE type grease nipples

I'll try again from a different email.


email (option): welbike@welbi**.net

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