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Wanted - Riders book BSA WB 30

Seeing recent posts for riders books has reminded me to once again look for a riders handbook for a WB 30
If anyone has one in their stash - I would be grateful to hear from them if for sale or swap


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Re: Wanted - Riders book BSA WB 30

John, did they actually print any??



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Re: Wanted - Riders book BSA WB 30

These two Henk had for sale several years ago, I think the one on the left is correct for the Admiralty and Post Office contracts.



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Re: Wanted - Riders book BSA WB 30

I bought this one off Henk. Strange that the other one with no contract numbers has the winged "B"? What makes you think it's for the RN/GPO bikes Rob? Ron


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Re: Wanted - Riders book BSA WB 30

From what I remember of the contents, I think this page was from that book.


However there is always a catch, this one for example.


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Re: Wanted - Riders book BSA WB 30

Very strange Rob??? Ron

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Re: Wanted - Riders book BSA WB 30

2 different books - but same contract ?

What are the frame No references on your book Ron ?

Still living in hope I can find a book


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Re: Wanted - Riders book BSA WB 30

Frames 101 - 150 John. Which is correct for that contract.

Then I have this parts list for these very small contracts which are not listed in O&M. These bikes are configured as per the GPO/RN bikes. ie same front brake, rear carrier, tool box etc.

I'd also love the correct riders handbook, but far more important that we do have the correct parts list. Ron.

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Re: Wanted - Riders book BSA WB 30

Hi Ron
I have a copy of that parts list, the RN parts list & and a 3rd version which has differences in it but the cover is missing & not identifiable as to which contract - it is thought to be the PO contract list

In between gorging on hero’s & cadburys roses at Christmas- I might have a go at trying to piece it together

In the absence of an original riders book - I wouldn’t mind getting a quality sized reprint or a pay for such for someone who has one relevant to the 7” front braked model as seen in PO & RN contracts


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Re: Wanted - Riders book BSA WB 30

I think I gave the handbook I had to Rob Miller...The 'winged B' was used on some BSA publications pre war but didn't appear on the bikes until after the war....Ian

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Re: Wanted - Riders book BSA WB 30

Yes Ian I still have my contract C8330 handbook, there are a surprising number of these still around it seems.


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Re: Wanted - Riders book BSA WB 30

A few years ago (a lot!) I sent about 8 of these to Henke.


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Re: Wanted - Riders book BSA WB 30

Probably then Baz, the one I bought from Henk, might have come from you. There must have been lots printed in readiness for a large contract. But only about 50 were produced. Ron

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Re: Wanted - Riders book BSA WB 30

Been offered an entire WB30 which is being broken up due to old age & ill health

I declined of course as i have one already & I only want the Drivers book

Oh - and the fact that David was in the USA & the bike offered I know being in the U.K. - owner known to many of us

Scammers are everywhere


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Re: Wanted - Riders book BSA WB 30

Hi Ron,
I was working on WW2 jeeps. I went to a guys store to buy a couple of jeep bits and spotted the books lying on a shelf.
He didn't know where he got them he had no motorcycle stuff, not interested in bikes, but I grabbed them. Don't remember what I paid, but I passed them on to Henke.
Long time ago, I think about 15 or more years.


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Re: Wanted - Riders book BSA WB 30

I wonder what Linda is doing with Henk's stuff? Ron

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Re: Wanted - Riders book BSA WB 30

No idea Ron
Every time I look at the forum main page it saddens me to be reminded that Henk has gone
I am sure that for Linda it’s a big task to let it go as he was so involved with it - with so many trips & jumbles attended over the years - it brought him great joy / just like his little 2Cv which made me laugh anytime I saw it or he told us about where he had been in it

I hope she’s ok as Also his kids

Great guy & sadly missed

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Re: Wanted - Riders book BSA WB 30

Absolutely, John. I'll remember Henk first and foremost as a smashing bloke and bloody good company. Love and best wishes to Linda if she's following the forum.

Re: Wanted - Riders book BSA WB 30

Same here. I sometimes momentarily think of something to tell or ask Henk before the realisation comes back. I have fond memories of Henk and Leon picking me up on route to the Stafford show each year, going for pub meals and them bunking at my house on their way home. That red and blue 2CV Noddy van that Henk drove us to Port-en-Bessin Sunday street market. Great that we can still think of the good times.

Love to Linda. Ron

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Re: Wanted - Riders book BSA WB 30

The Met Office have taken to naming winter storms..Todays was 'Storm Henk'...Of course I didn't think of the weather when that was mentioned on the radio....I think it's a measure of what a good bloke Henk was that we all remember him so fondly....For me it was seeing him at the jumbles but mainly shared good times in Normandy....and of course the forum....Here's a picture of Ron and Henk in Normandy...Henk is discussing the size of Rons todger...:laughing: Ian

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Re: Wanted - Riders book BSA WB 30

Still hoping Santa will find one of these books in Lapland

Been a great boy this year

Anyone ?


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