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Triumph 3hw speedo gearbox rotation

Hi all
I had the information but have misplaced it somehow

If I turn the input shaft of the speedo drive in an anti clockwise direction - should the output drive be anti clock or clockwise rotation
I have 2 here & don’t which is correct
Many thanks


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Re: Triumph 3hw speedo gearbox rotation

Triumph 3HW speedo gear box is fitted on the front brake plate, which is on the right hand side, that would mean that the 18 or 19 tooth pinion on its shaft would turn anti clock wise, out put should be clock wise.

Re: Triumph 3hw speedo gearbox rotation

Hi Steve
Thank you for this - I have both types. Same rotation in same out
The other is opposite

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Re: Triumph 3hw speedo gearbox rotation

I believe someone here wrote some time ago that all Smith speedometers need a cable that turns clockwise, when it enters the speedometer.

Re: Triumph 3hw speedo gearbox rotation

Yes Indeed (Apart from some Royal Enfield's!!) At jumbles, I'll always check those M20 type that sit on the nearside hub. Turn the drive dogs clockwise and the cable drive should also turn clockwise.

Unfortunately 99% of the ones you pick up are the wrong rotation. Ron

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