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Rear wheel bearings extraction help

Hello Folks

i am trying to remove the outermost rear wheel bearing (of the 3 in place) and cant see how to get them out. I think this might be a crinkle hub wheel but not certain. It has 2 bearings in the wheel; 1 on each side and a further race behind the sprocket as in the 1st pic. The bearing is in the hub but I cant see how it can pass out in either direction?? The circlip is off. Does the bit covering the inner race in 2nd pic come off somehow?



Also to get at other bearings, how is the plate in the pic below removed, does it just pry off with a screwdriver?



many thanks in advance

cheers, Neil

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Re: Rear wheel bearings extraction help

It's a plunger type crinkle hub wheel...You should have been able to seperate the hub from the brake drum without undoing all the bolts...The splines that come apart can be seen on the side of the hub and the outer part would normally remain bolted to the back of the brake drum...The dust cover is a snug fit and can be prised off with a suitable lever...Work around the outside carefully as they can be very difficult to get off without distortion...
The 'stub axle' can be driven out through the bearing (applying a hide mallet or similar to the threaded end)...The spacer/washer shouldn't be too tight a fit over the stub axle...(it should be a sliding fit)....Once the stub axles out the bearing can be drifted out...Ian

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Re: Rear wheel bearings extraction help

Hello Ian

Many thanks for reply, it really helped. The spacer was far from a sliding fit on stub axle. I had to heat it up and give it a fair amount of mallet action. Bearing is out now and still a bit rough after cleaning in petrol. I guess it's best to put sealed ones in now?

I'll try the dust shield tomorrow.

Cheers Neil

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