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Matchless G3L. Ways to reduce wet sumping

Ok. Question for the Gurus. How can I reduce "Wet Sumping" on my Matchless? Thanks in Advance. Andy

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Re: Matchless G3L. Ways to reduce wet sumping

How quickly does it happen?


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Re: Matchless G3L. Ways to reduce wet sumping

The simple way to stop this is to fit a tap in the oil feed. Kingpin components sell a very nice one that has an electrical switch in it too. They also sell a magneto end cap with an external contact in it. With this wired to the switch the engine cannot be started with the oil turned off. My brother and my son both have these on their G3L's and they work very well. I rebuilt my own G3L with new old stock crankcases and oil pump shaft so it doesn't wet sump anyway.
If the bike doesn't do many miles and otherwise runs well, the tap and switch are probably the easiest and cheapest option. The rebuild I did on my engine was not cheap, it was also quite time consuming...

Re: Matchless G3L. Ways to reduce wet sumping

Slowly. I have not used the bike since Normandy and although there was initial of few drops on the floor over a few days its now decided its time to be a real British bike and spread itself into a big pool.

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Re: Matchless G3L. Ways to reduce wet sumping

I have 2 running wartime Matchlesses here, one never ever wet sumps, the other after 3 weeks, I need to drain the crankcase, so it can be OK, but its just very worn, the best remedy is to line bore the crankcase half, and insert a bronze bushing, then it will be OK again for decades.

I am sure, if I would fit a tap in the oil line I would forget it at some point, and totally ruin the engine, so will not do that, a tap with an electric switch is too much a deviation from originality, so will not do that either.

Just my 2p on this, have a lifelong relationship with Matchlesses!



Sorry, it's not these two, but that's a whole different story!

email (option): welbike@welbi**.net

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