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BROOKS pannier bags.

BROOKS pannier bags differ from other makers in that the the flap has square edges, ohter types are more rounded,they are also dated by year and have the maker name on them,the factory was in Birmingham and being an accessories supplier to the cycle and motor cycle trade would have had heavy duty industrial type sewing machines.

below,square edges on flap.

below,NOS bags from 1942.

below,original paint on NOS bags.

below,1943,1944 and 1945 dated bags.

below,factory in 1939.

below,in use in the far east.

Re: BROOKS pannier bags.

A nice collection of bags for the pension fund Steve!! I also have a pair of NOS dated Brooks bags. Cheers Ron

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Re: BROOKS pannier bags.

Thanks for sharing Steve!

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Re: BROOKS pannier bags.

I wonder if any of the very early type pannier bags from 1940/41 with out rubbing strips survive, there was a DME circular issued in 1943 recalling them for the addition of rubbing strips, I presume the side strips or three uprights on the rear or maybe both.

Re: BROOKS pannier bags.

Royal Enfield, April 1941:


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Re: BROOKS pannier bags.

Thanks Jan, the corners of them bags seem a better idea than the leather type, pull tab on them too.

Re: BROOKS pannier bags.

I've never come across that type. Much simpler in construction but obviously didn't stand the wear of time. Unless of course the recall included the leather corners as well? Ron

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Re: BROOKS pannier bags.

Very interesting guys! I also have never encountered the "plain" one at all, but I could have forgotten.

Have at least one NOS Brooks bag, same as the above ones, so no use to post pictures, I do have some pictures of my NOS Y straps, is any one is interested.



email (option): welbike@welbi**.net

Re: BROOKS pannier bags.

The earlier pannier frames are different ,no support strips or wing nuts.

Re: BROOKS pannier bags.

Different construction indeed!


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Re: BROOKS pannier bags.

Those would definitely have relied on the "Y" straps. Ron

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Re: BROOKS pannier bags.

Last year I picked up what appeared to be 2 nos bags made by Acumen
I will check the dates on these as the stamps are very clear. But these have webbing strips at the back


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