The tool is to make sure that the races are pressed in parallel to each other. I also wondered about that myself, but my mate made me the tool so I used it. Ron
Ian, Andy, out of interest, here is the details about the main bearings. Since I was trying to eliminate anything that might aid vibration, I went ahead according to the book. It more than likely made no difference though? Ron
To me it reads like it's an aid to an unskilled fitter who may not push the bushes in square.
I try to "idiot proof" as much as I can.
(especially for me)
Andy.... Ainsley says we settled on 57%. There will always be vibration, but this gave me the most comfortable setting. My WD/CO and WD/G are both fitted with the dome top pistons from Hitchcock's. These raise the compression from 6.1-1 to 7.1-1. But yours seems to go well enough with however your engine is configured.:+1: Ron
The reason I was looking at this Ron is because on the the recent Worcsetershire Rally my WD/CO developed a new and quite loud mechanical noise from the engine. It sounded quite disconcerting...further investigation has revieledthat bizarrley it was mostly the decompressor shaft vibrating against the exhaust tappet and the the alloy would not think something so small could make a noise so loud...fixed it by putting a very small rubber o ring in the recess in the alloy tappet cover to "wedge" the shaft in place !!
Ha Ha Well done Andy. A rubber O ring was a cheaper fix than a total strip and new main bearings....You just need to nail that exhaust pipe on better.:hammer_and_wrench: Ron
Never really had this engine apart... I suppose I really should but scared to look! Runs ok though even if its not as quiet mechanically as yours. As long as it lasts another 3 or 400 miles I will be OK :smiley: ....The exhaust has been well and truley fixed curtesy of the correct stud and shouldered nut from Hitchcocks !!