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BSA M20 frame No

Can anyone cast light on ZM20/ S 764 ?


email (option): binnawan@aussiebb

Re: BSA M20 frame No

Thats a 1952 model year plunger frame and could have been fitted with an M20, 21 or M33 engine. I actually have an M33 with frame number approx 300 higher than yours. My bike was originally shipped to Burma as far as I'm aware.

Re: BSA M20 frame No

Thanks for quick reply Ian.
It's a bike for sale and I am doing my homework.
It is advertised as a 1951 and has an M20 engine. I don't have the engine number.
here are you located ?


email (option): binnawan@aussiebb

Re: BSA M20 frame No

I'm in the UK Baz and assume you're in Oz?

Re: BSA M20 frame No

Yes, Western Australia


email (option): binnawan@aussiebb

Re: BSA M20 frame No

Good luck with your potential purchase Baz. Mine was a total basket case and I vowed never to buy one like that again!! :smile:

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