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D.Day (Ian Wright).

Hi Ian, are you planning to visit Normandy this summer?

Re: D.Day (Ian Wright).

Hi Mick...No plans to visit this year...I'll probably go over in one of the 'quiet years'...One year I went by myself and just wandered about for 3 weeks visiting some of the more unusual spots..It was most enjoyable!...Where have you moved to?...Ian

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Re: D.Day (Ian Wright).

Will be taking my Son at a quieter time, this year hearing major road closures as per usual but someone mentioned a ‘Pass’ today, not sure if thats a thing, we need one or where to get one if true. With the Harley just run in how could I not take it over..

Will post some pics of the WM20 soon, just started to take it to bits..Hope you’re well Ian

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Re: D.Day (Ian Wright).

Fantastic to know you’ll be there Christopher with your Harley, you and the gang. Look forward to having a catch up it’s been a long time and there’s much to catch up on

Roger C

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