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WM20 Uncovered Tank markings


I have picked up a WM20 project that I am deciding how to proceed with getting road worthy. It is in a very neglected state so I was originally going to fully repaint it. The engine was mainly just corroded parts but I am working through dismantling and repairing it.

I have started on the tank, and underneath many repaint jobs, I was able to scrape back to some numbers from what I assume is the 50s, mainly dates and letters. But on the side, R/H so far there is a large light blue square with a number in it. Is this likely to be post war?

I doubt I will be able to post a picture, as I am not particularly good at that sort of thing.

Many thanks in advance


Re: WM20 Uncovered Tank markings

Inevitably, if a bike saw post-war service then any tank markings are likely to be post-war. A light or "Cobalt" blue background indicates Royal Engineers. What is the number ?

Re: WM20 Uncovered Tank markings

Thank you for the prompt reply.

The number is 168

Still an interesting history none the less

Thank you


Re: WM20 Uncovered Tank markings

82 Port Regiment RE .
1947 Formed with 168, 169, 170, 171 Port Op and 173 Port Maint Sqns RE 168, 169, 170, 171 and 173 Sqns
. 1961: Disbanded...Ian

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Re: WM20 Uncovered Tank markings

Thank you for the information!

Was nice to see it emerge from underneath the many other layers of paint.

Maybe there is another layer underneath to scrape back!

Many thanks,


Re: WM20 Uncovered Tank markings

Tf it doesn't have any white lines above, below or diagonally, it pretty much has to be post-war. In the mid-war schedules, 150 - 189 were on green and issued to the Royal Armoured Corps.

The purpose of Arm of Service serials was to confuse the enemy. Unfortunately, these days they only confuse old vehicle owners. :grimacing:

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