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M20 engine no.

I've got an M20 engine, I think, number looks like SA.1166,any ideas?

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Re: M20 engine no.

The number doesn't ring a bell... Could it ba a rotavator engine? Pictures? (You can send them to me and I'll post them here for you).

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Re: M20 engine no.

Dave has sent me this picture:

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Re: M20 engine no.

I have an M20 with the engine No SA86 with 22 HW also stamped into it . Can anyone give me some information regarding this? The engine is in a plunger frame and was I believe originally registered in 1952 , though it now has a 1963 (A) registration ?

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Re: M20 engine no.

Could these be Rotavator or industrial engines I wonder...?

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Re: M20 engine no.

No-one has come up with a knowledgeable answer. I'd suggest that the owners post some high-res images of the complete engines taken from several angles. There were casting differences over the years and it may help to narrow things down, as would other stamped markings.

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