I am new to this forum so please excuse my ignorance.
I have an M20 motor apart and am building it back up again at the moment. The oil pump appears eminently re-usable but the drive spindle most definitely doesn't. I'd like to fit a new one and was wondering whether anyone has fitted one manufactured in India and, more importantly, examined it after doing some miles (at least 500, preferably more).
I have read through previous threads on this topic and many warn against fitting them. I understand that this is a really critical component insomuch as if it fails then it could cause irreparable damage. Not hardened properly but also over-hardened - neither of these prospects bode well...
Alternatively, does anyone know of a known quality non-Indian-made source?
The Indian made spindles are renowned for having the spiral gear machined out of sync. Avoid them at all cost. I see that Drags stopped selling them when the problem arose. You would be better to find a good used original. Whatever you fit, turn the engine over by hand before you continue with any more of the build. Ron
PS try any of the following for an original:-
Russell Motors
C&D Autos
George Prew
Vale Onslow
Autocycle engineering
Kidderminster Motorcycles
Is this a part that is known to wear from normal use? Is getting a spare while they are still available a good idea? The one in my bike still looks good and am wondering why some M20's need it replaced?
I would think this would be a part that never wears out.
I don't think this is anything to be concerned with unless you have a very worn/damaged one in your motor, as I have. When you consider how old these old bangers are and how many miles some of them have covered, their durability is remarkable and a testament to good, no-nonsense design. If your spindle is in good condition it's unlikely that you're ever going to have to consider replacing it it your lifetime, and probably that of the next owner, or two, too!
Wear on the oil pump drive spindle is caused by the excessive loads applied to it when the oil pump is running 'tight'....Most here are probably familiar with that condition...When the die cast material of the oil pump body ages and deteriorates it causes it to expand, pinching up on the oil pump gear spindles and the gears themselves...
It is frequently the case that the pump won't turn at all by hand, which it should when in good condition...Frequently the pumps are very tight and it is the force required to turn them that leads to wear of the drive spindle gear teeth....
It is best therefore to check the condition of the oil pump and to ensure it is turning freely to avoid shortening the life of the drive spindle...(and crankshaft pinion)....
Regarding the Indian made oil pump drive shafts don't waste your money or risk your engine by fitting one.....Ian
Another aspect that I forgot to mention is correct positioning of the crank within the crankcases...
If the drive side main bearing spacer is worn and/or the oil flinger plate is worn or omitted the crank will be too far over to the drive side and the correct mesh of the oil pump drive shaft gear and the crank pinion gear will be affected...Ian
Thank you for your comments and advice. Thanks to Ron Pier, I've located a UK-made spindle with one of the suppliers he mentioned. Much appreciated. :pray:
Mark in case you had them, I typed in "WM20 oil pump spindle 66-2620" into your search box and it came back with No result! Hence I made the list of other possibilities. It seems to search your site you have to know exactly how you have it listed. Ron:thinking_face:
I just cut and pasted your part number Ron and it appeared?
There are issues in the website and we try to correct them as they as found.
I think there are still around a thousand parts to list :cry:
At some point I need to bully my man about a multiword search engine.