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electronic voltage regulators

Can any one recommend any specific types of electronic voltage regulators?

I need one for my g3L matchless

I have tried a couple of types with indifferent results

I would like it to cover these certain peramiters

it's got to fit inside an original lucas regulator box, if possible

it has to work with the g3l matchless 40 w dynamo, some will only work with the 60 w dynamo

it has to be able to charge the battery from flat - just like the original lucas regulator did


Chris Moore

Re: electronic voltage regulators

This is the only one I will recommend.

It will continue to work even when the volts drop low (Unlike the other makes that I've had trouble with). A one man band who will stand by his product


email (option):

Re: electronic voltage regulators

Most WDG3L owners would be happier with a voltage regulator that works without a working generator!

Re: electronic voltage regulators

I would also recommend the DVR regulator. I have fitted them to several bikes including the M20 and found them faultless.

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