Hi , I’m about ready to start the ball rolling, for dvla registration, application for v5 ,,
Is there anyone, who for a fee would undertake the process, for me,, I’ve heard of such services, but when you need it ,,
I’m uk, midlands based ,
Thank you. Mark
I'm still waiting on the BSAOC to provide dating information, all details sent.
MOT'd on the frame number. So on the DVLA system.
I was hoping to be riding it in the Netherlands next week, some hope now. :disappointed:
All done by volunteers, of course. The clubs don't have paid office staff and at this time of year are often away at rallies etc.
It's an imperfect system, the main virtue of which is that if a trusted club confirms that the numbers are in order and puts through a recommendation, then it's usually successful. It does mean though that the clubs can't just rubber-stamp anything if they wish to retain their reputations.
I've just sent in my application for my WB30. It's not finished yet but I've temporarily hung some more major components on for pictures to go with my application. I've done this loads of times over the last 30 odd years.
The latest procedure is :-
You need a dating letter to start with. Owners club or VMCC (In my case the Military Vehicle Trust)
Download DVLA form V55/5 and follow the instructions in leaflet V355/5
A lot of it doesn't apply to a "Historic" motorcycle so leave those questions blank.
Include pictures of the bike and clear pictures of the frame and engine numbers ......Include a cheque for £55 made out to DVLA.
No need for an MOT or insurance or a NOVA certificate if it hasn't been imported.