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A new find, allegedly 1st Bn Royal Fusiliers 1946 "PRIWALL" is that near Lubeck? But two possible post war key cards??
email (option): robmiller11(a)
That census number is close to a bike my Dad rode in Greece Rob, I wonder if they are from the same order? C5116792 Mark
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Both are from the same contract S1048, 15,000 machines, I would guess 1943? Rob
Deliveries for contract S/1048 started during the first week of June 1943, at 2.000 per month. So both bikes must have been made during that month. I've got a picture here with C5116792, don't know if I got it from you Mark?
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This one Jan? Here is an earlier one, but no I.D. I visited one of my Sisters Saturday and she remembers a Dessert picture with our Dad sat on it. The M20 has a Volks type air filter. Hopefully she can find it. Mark
That's the one Mark! You must have sent it to me before... Cheers, Jan