Hi I want to know my bike census number my bike serial number is 9600x (x is bcz of safety) and frame number is 7897x (here also x for safety)pls help me in finding my census number. Nd pls let me know my bike year of manufacture n contract number n other information
Frame number 78979 is a bike from contract S/6150. This was the very last G3/L contract. It should have been for 10.000 bikes, but because the war in Europe was over halfway the contract, only 6.089 bikes were effectively built. Your Matchless is the 5.980th bike from this contract, which means that it is one of the very last G3/Ls. The census number on the tank would have been C6117979. Production for this contract started in early January 1945, at 1.400 bikes per month. So your bike must have been built in May 1945.
Pictures with some "close" numbers (the first picture was taken in India, the other two are also definitely outside Europe):
Dharmil are you suggesting that Jan made up those numbers or gave you the wrong numbers just for fun. Jan is a historian and goes to great lengths to help people with the correct information. Ron