The now 600cc engine in my WM20 has started blowing a thin whitish smoke from the crankcase breather & the drive side bearings. I noticed it recently when trying to diagnose yet another case of emulsified oil which curses my chaincase. Start the bike with the primary chain inspection cover removed & there's soon a thin whitish smoke coming out. And from the breather. But I can't see any from the exhaust. This has coincided with a loss of compression, not bad at first but rapidly worsening.
Before I start stripping it down I'd value any opinions as to what the cause may be.
Emulsified oil usually means you have water getting into the oil - which is not good news. Thin whitish 'smoke' might well be emulsified oil vapor, perhaps? I think I'd drain all the oil (tank and crankcase) and make sure you don't have any condensation collecting in the bottom of the oil tank, since water is heavier than oil. Then have a good look at what's happening with the lack of compression.
Hi Allan, thanks for the thoughts.
I've drained the oil, which needed a change anyway. But no evidence of water. I'll put a bit more oil in & see what happens.
I'd be interested to know what you find. The white smoke might be from oil that is blowing past the piston, perhaps? You mentioned a loss of compression, so it's not impossible. Do you have white smoke in the exhaust?
I've taken off the barrel & it's a sorry sight. There's major damage to the piston in the right hand gudgeon area, with little of the circlip left. Rings are broken & jammed. This has worn a deep vertical groove in the liner adjacent to the gudgeon.
The gudgeon pin rocks badly in the small end bush.
I'm also worried about the big end. There's no vertical play but the rod can be rocked from side to side (as opposed to any sideways movement of the whole rod). Is this an indication of big end failure?
I'd be grateful for any opinions as to what may've actually gone wrong here.
I'm very angry about this "rebuilt" engine but the gentleman responsible now resides on the opposite bank of the Styx & is uncontactable by any means in my possession.
Well the slightly good news is that there will always be some sideways rock in the conrod. As long as you can't feel any lift at all, they're fairly bullet proof.
That sounds like a classic case of the gudgeon pin coming out due to a missing or incorrectly fitted circlip....There are also different circlip designs (with appropriate groove) so an incorrect clip is a possibility....
I spent about 20 years running my own business rebuilding BSA engines and I can safely say previously 'rebuilt' engines represented a measurable part of my work...Sadly it's the case that many of these 'engine rebuilders' don't know what they're doing...
It is likely you will need to fit a new liner but only accurate measurement of the bore will determine that...Liners are still available...I think John O'Brien from this forum has small end bushes available...The secret with these in a sidevalve engine is not to make them too close a fit after reaming...The piston should fall freely from side to side under its own weight but with no up and down clearance...
Big ends which have done some miles will always have a degree of 'tilt' of the rod...Knowing how worn they are is really down to experience over a number of engines unfortunately...There is no measurement for that...If there is no up and down play in the big end it may be OK to go again but determining its potential lifespan isn't possible..The only true way to know its condition is to strip it....So really it's down to how much you want to do (and spend) at this point and how much of an optimist you are...
However, bear in mind that all those bits of metal from the rings, clip, bore and piston haven't evaporated...they are still in there somewhere!....Ian
I've seen NOS BSA pistons for sale on ebay with circlips I know to be the wrong ones...It seems sellers just add any circlips to make a piston complete if the clips happen to be missing...Badly overweight gudgeon pins aren't unknown either, same story there....Ian