WD Matchless G3L (Contract 2604) - parts list needed
Hi all,
I'm the new owner of a 1943 G3L which is in need of some remedial work - and I'm wondering if anyone has an electronic version of the parts list for a bike in this contract, which they'd be generous enough to share? I'm especially needing parts for the oil tank/piping, wiring harness and rear rack assembly. I also have differing feedback on other forums as to what Matchless logo is correct for the tank on bikes in this contract - and the silver vinyl logo on my bike looks wrong to me!
Re: WD Matchless G3L (Contract 2604) - parts list needed
Hi Andrew,
Can't help you with a parts list I'm afraid, but these are two bikes from your contract. In these pictures you can clearly see the stencilled census number which is typical for these Matchlesses, and the correct winged =M=.
Re: WD Matchless G3L (Contract 2604) - parts list needed
Pleae email me the frame number, I might have more info on the bike from the Key Cards, that I own.
The Danish website has all the know parts lists online (I donated a lot of them), and it's all for free.
Don't buy the ready made wiring looms from Lucas, they are completely wrong in application and materials, search the forum here, and you will find the info to make one yourself, quite easily!