Still struggling to decide how tight the elastics for a (Norton) Lycett saddle should be.
Original dimensions given in Norton VAOS cannot be replicated as it is totally unknown to what specification these elastics were made.
The construction of the braid around the elastics is a limiting factor on elongation, unfortunately original elastics are totally useless nowadays to compare with. Rubber quality/specification possibly also not equivalent.
Measured max elongation of the elastics from Czech Republic set is ca 175 %.
What is a correct elongation in unloaded condition in the saddle frame?
I assume making them upto 175 % is just not right but what is reasonable/durable without being too sagging in use?
Does anyone have some guidance on this. Already discussed with Ron Pier but other opinions are welcome.
I've done three of mine over the years. Nothing scientific or by the book. I just guessed them by giving them the same sort of feel and tension as a mattress spring saddle. Ron