Hi all, not sure if this is of interest to anyone, but nearing the completion of parts gathering before my build and I’ve doubled up on quite a few parts, I will go through them better, but one item in-particular I do not need two of. It’s an air filter, it’s an original Burgess Air Filter which was fitted to quite a few BSA WB30 models. If this is of interest to anyone?
Good timing on my part, start a topic, post, then read new posts and what do I see ‘parts from Egypt’ and one of the parts being…………a burgess air filter, like buses, nothing then two at once
['Good timing on my part, start a topic, post, then read new posts and what do I see ‘parts from Egypt’ and one of the parts being…………a burgess air filter, like buses, nothing then two at once..']
Not too sure about Jay...A forum search doesn't bring up any previous posts and his 'good timing' post was actually after your first post not before it....Maybe I'm being paranoid.....Ian