War time issue of Motor-Cycling front cover showing clutch maintenance.
Below,info from a Triumph 3HW maintenance manual.
Below,lube chart from a Triumph 3HW maintenance manual,oil grade is 10 HD.
Below,info from a Triumph 3HW Drivers Hand Book.
Below,primary chaincase inspection caps fitted to Triumph 3HWs,top two are the steel version fitted 1942/43/44,bottom two are the pre war,early war time and fitted to late 1944 and 1945 machines,made from aluminium,these were also fitted to post war models upto 1949.
Below,close up of steel inspection caps,"DO NOT USE ENGINE OIL"variants.
Below,cap used from 1949 to 1962,"USE LIGHT OIL SAE.20 GRADE"
I've followed Dave Ts recommendation from a previous post and have acquired some ATF for my chain case...(Automatic Transmission Fluid)...I suspect the incorrect choice of oil has been the route cause of the problem of Truimph clutch 'sticky' plates that I've experienced previously...
I'll be putting some into the chaincase of my Goldie initially....Ian
I have used atf in all my goldstars and M20-21s with "Triumph" 4 spring clutch for 35 yrs. I have had excellent results. This was advised by Ed Labelle it does not foam as much and has not caused any clutch problems during "street" use.
There was a useful article on on oil in VMX, written by an oil specialist. Concerning ATF he said many racers used it but he would rather use something like straight 30 as ATF "could make the clutch woolly". I used to run an SP400 single on car oil. I have a pile of clutch plates 6" high, all unworn and slipping. Heavy clutch springs were a popular mod in the eighties.....
I recently bought a Guzzi Nuovo Falcone. It used to get clutch slip. I changed the oil three times and the clutch stopped slipping. The previous owner had been using car oil. I think ATF uses friction modifiers similar to car oils so I wouldn't use it in a clutch case.
If the clutch chaincase cover was fitted with the steel cap/plug,the gear box filler cap/plug was also steel but was plain with no inscription on it,the same also with the aluminium caps/plugs.
below,steel chaincase and gear box caps/plugs.
below,alloy gearbox cap,there is also a slotted version.
below,unknown cap "USE ENGINE OIL" does fit the Triumph chaincase and gearbox , made from steel but knurled edge,which is not typical of Triumph.