Hello John, if you have access too a lathe it is very easy too make.
about 25cm long steel rod with an outside diameter just below the outside diameter of the guide.
turn one end down to the inside diameter of the guide over a length of about 5 / 6 cm.
Perhaps both in and outlet guide have the same dimensions so you can use one drift for both, but do check that first.
I advise to punch out the guides after heating the part up to 250+ C .
On an electric cooking plate and -if available- covered by a piece of ceramic blanket it works o.k.
Also best to undercut the diameter that fits inside the guide directly adjacent to the step up to the larger diameter (at the shoulder)..Leave a radius there and you are far more likely to break the guide when drifting out...I find a 'deadblow' hammer good for the job as well...Ian