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HT Wire

Been working on my 1937 AJS Model 26. While I think this was a civilian bike, it was owned by a number of Polish servicemen in the 1940’s.
The whole bike has been painted over in khaki paint at one time,
The HT lead from the magneto has an expandable fine brass mesh shield over the HT cable, this makes me think it has been in a military workshop at 9ne time .


Re: HT Wire

Lots of civilian AJS were impressed, I have the numbers and parts list for the 1940 350 and 500 single and twin port models. three of these have been through my workshop over the years and I know of two others that are genuine impressed AJS. On these bikes the census number is stamped on the crankcase. Ron



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Re: HT Wire

Hi all
Sorry to jump in on this one
Has anyone got forks or upper & lower fork yokes for one of these twin ports
Looking for a friend after a catastrophic component failure on a ride out this year

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Re: HT Wire

I can’t see anything other than the engine number on crankcase, or frame number on frame. what form would the census number take.
I’ll check the registration / licensing history and see if there are any obvious gaps.

My suspicion is that sometime when it was owned by servicemen it was painted in workshops.
It’s an interesting bike, currently it’s in multiple parts, hoping to finish engine soon, I’ve already rebuilt wheels and gearbox and started a bit on the tinware. I managed to get a rechromed and painted tank a few years ago which someone thought would fit a V twin and spent money on before trying. Otherwise I might have kept the finish it has (up to a point)

Re: HT Wire

Gordon this is what I've seen on all the 1940 model AJS. the census number with a big "C" Ron


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Re: HT Wire

Ron. Thanks for clarifying.
Checking the registration book and old tax discs I have there was a gap in the registration / tax history between 1942 and 45 and then last entry was 1948. Prior to 42 the history was continuous although it was owned and licenced by polish servicemen from1940 to 1942.

There is no census number I can see


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