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Re: Finish of speedo & ammeter rims? (One for the rivet counters)

In addition to Riks comments on outer finish you should note that on earlier bikes (m20) that there was still a very high degree of pre-war civilian spec parts fitted

This extended to the ammeter & speedo too

Early cz tended to have a sharper / chamfered edge to the bezel versus more rounded type seen later
Early cz tended to have domed glass, later flat - some with a light aperture which was illuminated by light escaping from a gap/ hole in the upper reflector
Early cz also had terminal posts with 2 nuts versus the later style with hexagonal posts & grub screws similar to that of the light switch

Early Speedos also had a sharper / chamfered edge but this also changed to a more rounded bezel later in line with the CZ - the speedo face - smiths / jaeger reference number being singular is an indication of an early version - super cessions were visible & printed on dial face -
There are some here very knowledgeable on speedo so they may correct or expand on this
In addition - earlier faces had a yellowish / orange line instead of the more common white face line seen later
The earlier line colour is a bit debatable as time has created colour change / fade etc - but this is another earlier feature associated with BSA

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Re: Finish of speedo & ammeter rims? (One for the rivet counters)

Thank you both: comprehensive and with pictures! I'm off to examine my ammeter contacts...

Re: Finish of speedo & ammeter rims? (One for the rivet counters)

As on the pics that rick posted.dull chrome for the early.iluminated and domed glass.later ones are only brass with paint on...
I have repaired lots of ammeters and never see the later bezels are dull chrome

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