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Re: Sectioned M20 engine...

Hi Ian, that actually belongs to me. I acquired it about thirty years ago when the caretaker of a technical school in Colchester contacted me as they were having a clear out and this was going in the skip. However, for a donation to the school I could have it. I was told it came from the RASC training school at Colchester barracks where it was made from a scrap engine.
It was quite incomplete but worth the trip. I stripped, cleaned and repainted what there was. I sectioned the magdyno carb and oil pump myself to finish it off.
Cheers, Mick.

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Re: Sectioned M20 engine...

Can we see the other side please.


email (option): robmiller11(a)

Re: Sectioned M20 engine...

Here's the other side...


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Re: Sectioned M20 engine...

Thank you, it reminds me of the Terminator films.


email (option): robmiller11(a)

Re: Sectioned M20 engine...

Or steam punk...

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