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Re: WM20 Front wheel Bearings

Charlie, please don't suggest that I was not being sensible!! I answer loads of questions to the best of my ability. But the question itself must be understandable??? Ron

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Re: WM20 Front wheel Bearings

i have the front wheel Bearing NOS M20
if u interested i can help

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Re: WM20 Front wheel Bearings

Its obvious, Charlie has a Cushman wheel fitted in his M20.


email (option): robmiller11(a)

Re: WM20 Front wheel Bearings

Hello Ron,
It has been awhile since I have checked in. Life is is fast forward mode. While wintering in Florida a neighbor’s daughter asked to buy our New Jersey home. Had to pack, sell, give away 28 years of hoarding stuff. Sold seven motorcycles, three boats and a ton of parts. What a nightmare. As you suggested I did a search. If found it very useful. I also found an old school machine shop. Give him the specs and he does the rest. The Cushman Airborne was something to mess with while I got the Florida shop ready to tackle the basket case 1944 WM20.
Thanks for all your help.

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