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Re: Brigadier K.M.F.Hedges.

Sir Ewok
This may be him on a Sunbeam prototype.....


This thread has recently been brought to my attention. I had always thought that the big bloke on the Sunbeam was Capt. J.J. Hall, head of a motorcycle training school, and contributor to MotorCycling. I've also been wondering for a long time who the other man was, until I finally found out. His “nom de plume” is Cyclops, and before the war he used to be the “Sports Editor” of MotorCycling, “the green ‘un”. During the war he became “Assistent Editor” to Graham Walker. His name is A. Harvey Pascoe. The Sunbeam picture by the way has been taken in London, at the entrance of the Temple Press offices.


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