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Speedo gearbox - bsa m20

This evening I put the front end back on the bike on the bench

All went well until when i secured the front wheel - the speedo gear box would not “lock” in place and rotated with the wheel
Removed & tightened the outer lock nut refitted - now the freely rotating wheel has become tight

I have double checked the assembly of the spindle assy & associated parts - the small spacer inside the speedo gearbox is in place as are the outer spacing washers & the outer lock nut
Am I missing something here - I’m being a bit more of a dumbo today than usual

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Re: Speedo gearbox - bsa m20

Hi !

If I remember correctly, (Been a while since I did that)
You put the speedo gear on, (shim it from the inside so it moves does not touch the hub),
Tighten it with the shallow nut nut from the outside,
Then you install the wheel, and as the axle doesn't rotate,
And the speedo gear is fixed to the axle, it is also fixed.

Hope I remember correctly..(-:

Re: Speedo gearbox - bsa m20

Nothing wrong with yor memory Noam

The speedo drive is sandwiched between a thimble on the inside & the wheel nut or spacer
It is not shown on most parts lists because it is part of the speedometer & not considered to be part of the front wheel .

Re: Speedo gearbox - bsa m20

This is all I've ever seen and fitted. after you've adjusted the bearings with 44 and locked it with 45, 46 sits as the speedo drive spacer inside a recess in the drive. I guess if it's too tight, then as Noam says, add some shimming between 45&46....Although I've never had to.

Also the outer edge of the hub with the two drive dogs must be clear of debris and paint. Ron


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Re: Speedo gearbox - bsa m20

Dumbo didn’t interfere today & all is good after a review of assembly & more checks
Thanks for confirming

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