Sunday 10th of April at app 11 o'clock we will have our annual meeting at the Canadian Cemetery in Holten.
As always anyone is welcome by motorcycle, car or other transport to join our visit to Don Fife's grave.
Let's hope for sunny weather.
Hi sven
I share the same sentiment as Ron - something for Hans too perhaps - I was lucky to know him & share his company on trips to Normandy over the years
Hans at the unveiling of the ceramic plaque that he instigated at the wall of remembrance on Juno beach.
And the plaque that he made which we screwed up in the little shrine were Don was photographed at Fresney-Le Puceux. (maybe the replacement that Sven made?) Ron
Today we've visited Don Fife's grave at the Canadian War Cemetery in Holten.
As previous year kids attended as well because it's good they realize what high price other boys paid for their freedom.
And again they said; 'look how young they are dad....there are so many of them'....